An Android App Developed By Over9000 Team

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema
  5. Sprint 1
  6. Sprint 2
  7. Sprint 3
  8. Sprint 4


We, Over9000 Team are CS students from CSUEB: Hao Tu Lam, Yi-Nong Wei, Nischitha Chottanahalli Nagaraju and Margaret Hu. We started developing this app when we participated in CodePath-CSUEB Android Development Course. When the course ended, Hao Tu Lam and Yi-Nong Wei continue building more features for this app, and Nischitha Chottanahalli Nagaraju becomes our team's representative. We're all young and passionate developers, and our team is excited and eager to promote our app and launch it in App Store.

PioneerAsk is an app that helps connect CSUEB students with CSUEB Pioneers Community. This app can also be a useful pocket guide for new students where you can get quick advice from the CSUEB community who are currently studying and working at CSUEB.

Any futher interests about our app, please contact us through this email:

Youtube Live demo link 🎥

SignUp Activity Search Function

Profile Activity Edit Profile Activity

Compose Activity Post Activity


The app is an open discussion forum where students, staff, and faculty can interact, connect, and support each other. Our goal is to bring a healthy and active community into the university's life - Every question will be answered, every concern will be valued. Join PioneersAsk and be a part of our community. Go Pioneers!

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: University Mobile Application
  • Mobile: This is an Android app
  • Story: User can search for questions, save & keep track of their posted questions and other questions from other users.
  • Market: The app is for students at the CSUEB
  • Habit: This app will give student an easy access to find the answers from other users from CSUEB.
  • Scope: User are students from the university

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can login
  • User can register account
  • User can view most recent question posts in the Search Page
  • User can type in keyword/sentence to search for related posts.
  • User can post new question
  • User can comment to a question
  • User can have their own profile: User can see their own posts

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Login: User must register account with their school email (csueb email)
  • Register: User must meet certain password criterias in order to regiester for an account.
  • Profile: User can view their personal info on Profile
  • Profile: User can modify their profile. User can change: user image, username, password, user's info
  • Profile: User can view list of their posts and comments in Profile
  • Profile: User can delete their posts. User can undo the task if they change their mind
  • Profile: User can delete their comments. User can undo the task if they change their mind
  • Post: User can view other user's profile by clicking on user's image under comment section
  • Post: User can upvote a post
  • Post: Capture Photo feature. User can send comment with attached image
  • Compose: Capture Photo feature. User can upload a post question with attached image.
  • Compose: User can add maximum 3 hastags to their post.
  • Search: User can search related posts by popular Hashtag.

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login screen: user can login their account
  • Register screen: user can register for an account
  • Search screen: user can search for Q&A posts based on their searching question, phrase, terms
  • Compose question screen: user can compose a question post. (optional) User can upload image from photo library along with the question
  • Post's content screen (showing questions, answers, and comment box): user can view the question, list of answers, and a comment box to add their answer to question
  • User's Profile screen: user can view their basic profile, user's question posts and (option) user's favorite posts.

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • User tab
  • Search tab
  • (optional) User's favorite posts tab

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • User tab

    • If not yet logged in -> login/register screen
    • If logged-in:
      • User's posts.
        • (optional) user can delete their post.
        • (optional) mark 'completed' if their issue is resolved
  • Search tab

    • Search by full-sentence question
    • Search by phrase/terms
    • Search by category
    • Get a list of posts
      • (When click on particular post) -> Post's content screen
        • Get list of answers for that particular post
        • User can add text answer to Comment box.
          • (optional) user can add image along with the text as their answer to the Comment box
  • (optional) User's favorite posts tab

    • Keep track of posts user are interested in
      • Update user if someone add answers to 'favorite' posts


[Add picture of your hand sketched wireframes in this section]

[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype


[This section will be completed in Unit 9]

Models & Networking

Sprint 1

  • Design layouts for activities - Hao Lam
  • Set up Back4App - Margaret Hu

Update project:

  • Back4app had been set up to save user & post data
  • Layout for activities had been designed.
  • Project can run with simple buttons to move from 1 activity to another

Project simple run: Project Activity Layouts:

Sprint 2

  • Add Compose Button & Redesign Search Resutl Item Layout - Hao Lam
  • Setup Adapter for Comment List, Structure Compose Data Model - Hao Lam
  • Setup Adapter for Search List, Structure User Data Model - Yi-Nong Wei
  • Setup Network - ParseApplication - Yi-Nong Wei
  • Output:

Sprint 3

  • Implement Login/Register feature - Nischitha Chottanahalli Nagaraju
  • Implement Search function - Yi-Nong Wei
  • Implement Profile feature - Yi-Nong Wei
  • Implement Compose Activity - Margaret Hu
  • Test run:

Sign up feature - Fail version Sign up feature - Sucess version

Login, Profile, Compose feature:

Search feature:

Sprint 4

  • Implement Edit Profile - Yi-Nong Wei
  • Add refresh feature to SearchResult list, Comment list, Post list - Yi-Nong Wei
  • Implement delete & undo delele feature on user posts and comments - Hao Lam
  • Improve overall layout & user experience in Profile & Post Activity - Hao Lam
  • Implement Capture Photo feature in Compose Activity - Margaret Hu
  • Test run:

Search Function Post Activity

Profile Activity

Edit Profile Activity

Compose Activity