🔥🔥🔥AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
Pinned issues
- 0
Bug: Postgres DB connection
#1664 opened by 18Dhanraj - 4
Bug: Ai输入文字提示报错
#1663 opened by maochiy - 0
Bug: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLDataException: Value too long for column "SID CHARACTER VARYING(32)":
#1662 opened by kkezhong - 0
Bug: java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.util.List
#1661 opened by f39516046 - 2
Bug: 连接mongodb,连接成功,但是打开只有一个test数据库
#1660 opened by fyt135 - 2
suggest: 现在的开源版功能有点差强人意,智能SQL编辑器 会开源吗?
#1655 opened by alvin0804 - 0
suggest: 能否新增将SQL执行结果展示在新标签页的功能
#1657 opened by kiki479 - 0
Rest AI Error:404 page not found
#1659 opened by wonb168 - 0
suggest: 数据导出采用多行数据使用单个INSERT
#1658 opened by Li-Nuo - 5
Bug: 自定义AIOpenrouter无法使用?
#1656 opened by xddcode - 10
Bug: 自定义ai时,使用deepseek出现错误,同时编辑后再次进入表单显示为空
#1619 opened by liShuangQ - 0
Bug: KingBase类型数据库无法连接
#1654 opened by Mr-Hsiao - 0
#1653 opened by lightClouds917 - 0
Bug: mysql8查询中如果有临时表,会报错
#1652 opened by hxrenyan - 0
Bug: 部署时报错了
#1649 opened by Anbingsong - 1
suggest: ai图标使用时,可以看到表结构
#1647 opened by lightClouds917 - 0
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Bug: 运行源码,使用自然语言查询报ForestConvertException异常:
#1646 opened by ma491215921 - 0
#1645 opened by Anbingsong - 0
suggest: ai图表可用自然语言重新编辑
#1644 opened by lightClouds917 - 0
suggest: 建议支持国产瀚高数据库
#1643 opened by ruralqiu - 2
Bug: c.s.w.s.e.EasyControllerExceptionHandler
#1640 opened by vishalnagda1 - 0
suggest: Need a feature to connect with Ollama
#1642 opened by vishalnagda1 - 1
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Bug: 自定义AI白板
#1637 opened by W-Lightr - 1
Bug: 解释SQL报错
#1629 opened by ningmeng0503 - 1
Bug: bit(1) 导出的sql 值为'true'|'false' 而不是期望的 true|false
#1635 opened by Vinke2 - 0
Bug: 排序和搜索都是当前页
#1639 opened by dragoncdj - 0
Bug: MongoDB Driver Error
#1638 opened by kabir-21 - 1
suggest: After purchasing pro subscription why the activation code is blank??
#1636 opened by rajeshkanaka - 0
Bug: 关于我们页面,更新规则选择新版自动下载并安装更新,关闭页面重新打开发现没有生效
#1634 opened by Jack-GPT - 0
suggest: 建议在控制台中增加按住alt键,可以对多行数据进行统一修改的功能
#1633 opened by Jack-GPT - 0
Bug: 我选择设置为null值,提示执行成功以后数值没有变
#1632 opened by Jack-GPT - 2
- 0
Bug: MySQL引擎表不能正常显示
#1630 opened by shushengritian - 4
Bug: Validate failed: Migrations have failed validation
#1625 opened by cai417 - 0
suggest: 结果表格新增类似excel右下角的统计功能
#1623 opened by wxkingstar - 0
Bug: An error is reported when using the natural language conversion function to SQL converter
#1622 opened by cai417 - 0
Bug: mariadb 查询时报错
#1620 opened by lb-xx - 1
Bug: 一堆问题
#1613 opened by ZhangJian002 - 0
优化: 内存占用太大了,随便打开个表内存马上飙升到1G
#1614 opened by pheotry - 1
suggest: 体验完之后一坨shirt
#1617 opened by xulei131401 - 1
Bug: docker部署不能使用AI配置,测试千问、智普无法输出 Name or service not known
#1618 opened by Proletariat-wh - 1
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优化: 这货不对版吧。别人广告108永久版本,点进来永久版本799
#1612 opened by Ruling95 - 0
优化: 词云数据能不能去一下重, 看着眼都花了
#1616 opened by Hanchers - 0
suggest: 展开 database-table,没有按照表名排序
#1615 opened by bigedev - 0
#1611 opened by dreamwolftears - 0
suggest: i need support influxdb
#1610 opened by kof8855 - 0
suggest: 想问下,能集成到python项目里吗?是否有接口使用
#1607 opened by maya413