
HumioCocoaLogger is a Logger for CocoaLumberJack which allows loggin directly into Humio

Swift version via CocoaPods
platform :ios, '9.0'

pod 'HumioCocoaLumberjackLogger', :git => ""
API access

You can specify your access token and dataspace by setting this information in your info.plist file or by parameters (see below)

Swift Usage

If you installed using CocoaPods or manually:

import CocoaLumberjack
let logger = HumioLoggerFactory.createLogger()
//HumioLoggerFactory.createLogger(accessToken:"yourTokenHere", dataSpace:"yourDataSpaceHere")

DDLog.add(logger, with: .error) 
// OR
//DDLog.setLevel(.error, for: HumioCocoaLumberjackLogger.self)

Log format

When the logger is created, it sets a uniuque id for that logger. This can be overridden by specifying loggerId in the create method. The default is:
