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Many popular restaurants require you to wait in line to get seated. This simple design creates a scalable waitlist feature similar to Yelp’s NoWait feature that allows you to get in a line without physically being there.
I assume that each additional table takes 2 mins, and there is a global queue for any table size.
npm install serverless
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-key-here>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-key-here>
serverless create --template-url --path coderecipe-scalable-waitlist
cd coderecipe-scalable-waitlist
npm install
serverless deploy --stage stage --twilio_account_sid='twilio_account_sid' --twilio_auth_token='twilio_auth_token' --twilio_from_number='twilio_from_number'