
Mode info at: https://coderecipe.ai/architectures/86530220

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Building up an AWS big data pipeline

by: zaicheng wang

Mode info at: https://coderecipe.ai/architectures/86530220


Make sure you have AWS access key and secrete keys setup locally, following this video here

Download the code locally

serverless create --template-url {} --path AWS-bigdata-pipeline

Deploy to the cloud

cd AWS-bigdata-pipeline

npm install serverless
npm install serverless-pseudo-parameters

serverless deploy --stage <your-stage-name>

Put sample data to firehose using AWS CLI

cd AWS-bigdata-pipeline
aws firehose put-record --delivery-stream-name data-pipeline-dev-Deliverystream-XTJ8GY3H9DUH --record file://data/small.json

Run Sql query on Athena

aws athena start-query-execution --cli-input-json file://athena-cli/start-query-execution.json
aws athena get-query-results --query-execution-id {query id from last command}

Create Quicksight Dashboard
