Pinned Repositories
Exemplary real world application built with Angular
Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
:white_check_mark: The Node.js best practices list (March 2022)
NodeJS Clean Architecture. Clean Architecture is an opinionated boilerplate for Node web APIs focused on separation of concerns and scalability with Uncle Bob Clean Architecture implementation. Features: > Union - Layered folder structure: code organization focused on codebase scalability. > Instant feedback and reload: use Nodemon to automatically reload the server after a file change when on development mode, makes the development faster and easier. > Scalable and easy to use web server. > Use Express for requests routing and middlewares. There are some essential middlewares for web APIs already setup, like body-parser, compression, and method-override. > Database integration: Mongoose, a MongoDB Database Connection, is already integrated; you just have to set the authentication configurations. > Prepared for testing: The test suite uses Mocha, Chai and is prepared to run unit, integration and functional tests right from the beginning. A FactoryGirl adapter for Mongo is setup to make your tests DRY as well, and the tests generate code coverage measurement with. You should read about the Chai plugins that are setup by default too. > Dependency injection: With Awilix, a practical dependency injection library, the code will not be coupled and it'll still be easy to resolve automatically the dependencies on the runtime and mock them during the tests. It's even possible inject dependencies on your controllers with the Awilix Express adapter. >Logging: The Log4js logger is highly pluggable, being able to append the messages to a file during the development and send them to a logging service when on production. Even the requests (through Morgan) and queries will be logged. > Linter: It's also setup with ESLint to make it easy to ensure a code styling and find code smells. How to use: Notice that the boilerplate comes with a small application for user management already; you can delete it with a npm script after you understand how the boilerplate works but please do the quick start first! 1. Clone the repository. 2. Setup the database on `config/database.js` (there's an example file there to be used with MongoDB). 3. Install the dependencies with `yarn`. 4. Create the development and test databases you have setup on `config/database.js` 5. Run the application in development mode with `npm run dev` 6. Access `http://localhost:3000/api/users` and you're ready to go! Compiled and presented by Vakindu Philliam.
Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress] 📓
TeamWork to create simple python games
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
CodeRoom's Repositories
Exemplary real world application built with Angular
Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
📗🌐 🚢 Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (April 2022)
Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
:white_check_mark: The Node.js best practices list (March 2022)
NodeJS Clean Architecture. Clean Architecture is an opinionated boilerplate for Node web APIs focused on separation of concerns and scalability with Uncle Bob Clean Architecture implementation. Features: > Union - Layered folder structure: code organization focused on codebase scalability. > Instant feedback and reload: use Nodemon to automatically reload the server after a file change when on development mode, makes the development faster and easier. > Scalable and easy to use web server. > Use Express for requests routing and middlewares. There are some essential middlewares for web APIs already setup, like body-parser, compression, and method-override. > Database integration: Mongoose, a MongoDB Database Connection, is already integrated; you just have to set the authentication configurations. > Prepared for testing: The test suite uses Mocha, Chai and is prepared to run unit, integration and functional tests right from the beginning. A FactoryGirl adapter for Mongo is setup to make your tests DRY as well, and the tests generate code coverage measurement with. You should read about the Chai plugins that are setup by default too. > Dependency injection: With Awilix, a practical dependency injection library, the code will not be coupled and it'll still be easy to resolve automatically the dependencies on the runtime and mock them during the tests. It's even possible inject dependencies on your controllers with the Awilix Express adapter. >Logging: The Log4js logger is highly pluggable, being able to append the messages to a file during the development and send them to a logging service when on production. Even the requests (through Morgan) and queries will be logged. > Linter: It's also setup with ESLint to make it easy to ensure a code styling and find code smells. How to use: Notice that the boilerplate comes with a small application for user management already; you can delete it with a npm script after you understand how the boilerplate works but please do the quick start first! 1. Clone the repository. 2. Setup the database on `config/database.js` (there's an example file there to be used with MongoDB). 3. Install the dependencies with `yarn`. 4. Create the development and test databases you have setup on `config/database.js` 5. Run the application in development mode with `npm run dev` 6. Access `http://localhost:3000/api/users` and you're ready to go! Compiled and presented by Vakindu Philliam.
Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress] 📓
TeamWork to create simple python games
Learn python programming in detail
Simple ReactJs Todo App
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Learn typescript in details
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings