
Cracking the coding interview exercises and notes

Primary LanguageJava

Cracking the coding interview exercises and notes

If you can't afford to buy the book, you can find a free pdf here (last updated on 2020.10.09).


  1. Big O
  2. Technical questions

Chapter 1 Arrays and strings

  • check unique characters
  • check if permutation
  • replace character by substring
  • Levenshtein distance
  • String compression
  • Matrix rotation
  • String rotation
  • Hash tables (chapter 7)
  • Magic index (chapter 8)
  • Search in sorted matrix (chapter 10)

Chapter 2 Linked lists

  • Remove duplicates
  • Return kth to last
  • Delete middle node
  • Partition list
  • Sum lists
  • Check if palindrome
  • Insert node at beginning
  • Insert node at end
  • Reverse list, single and double linked
  • List intersection
  • Loop detection

Chapter 3 Stacks and queues

  • 3 stacks in array
  • Min function in stack
  • List of stacks
  • Queue via stack
  • Sort stack
  • Animal shelter (enqueue and dequeue with ordering)

Chapter 4 Trees and graphs

  • Find route between nodes in graph
  • Create minimal binary search tree from array
  • Create a linked list for each depth in the tree

Chapter 5 Bit manipulation

  • Insert bit
  • Binary to string
  • Flip bit to create longest sequence of 1s
  • (( n & (n-1)) == 0). n=?
  • How many different bits do two numbers have. 11001 vs. 11010 = 2. Levenstein distance

Chapter 6 Math and logic puzzles

  • Prime numbers

Chapter 7 Object-oriented design

  • Call center
  • Parking lot
  • Chat server
  • Hash tables

Chapter 8 Recursion

  • Triple step
  • Robot in grid
  • Magic index (index such that A[i] = 1)
  • Power set
  • Permutations of string with unique characters
  • Permutations of string with duplicate characters

Chapter 9 System design and scalability

  • Stock data
  • Social network
  • Web crawler
  • Duplicate URLs
  • Cache
  • Sales rank
  • Personal finance manager

Chapter 10 Sorting and searching

  • Sorted merge
  • Anagrams
  • Search in rotated array
  • Sorted search, no size
  • Sorted matrix search
  • Sparse search
  • Sort big file
  • Missing int
  • Find duplicates
  • Sorted matrix search
  • Rank for stream

Chapter 11 Testing

  • Mistake
  • Random crashes
  • Chess test
  • Test a pen
  • Test an ATM

Chapter 16 Moderate problems

  • Write an integer in english
  • Contiguous sequence or Maximum subarray
  • Least Recently Used cache

Chapter 18 Advanced topics

  • Hash table collision resolution
  • Rabin-Karp substring search