YogaRoom is a yoga practice tool website that aims to assist yogi / yogini with their practice at home. Built during the pandemic of COVID-19, YogaRoom brings the experience from offline to online and is designed with great UX to make yoga practice more personal, comfortable and convenient through a set of online tools, such as Sequence Builder
, Visual and Auditory Guidance
, and Save Feature
You are free to experience YogaRoom as a guest or you might want to log in as a member to store your sequence settings after practice. For your testing, a set of account and password is provided below.
Account | |
Password | yoga123 |
- Used
React Hook
to implement Single Page Application(SPA), giving better user experience - Used
React Context
to pass member state through nested components tree - Used
to write HTML element and style right directly in the JS component, making writing more semantic and intuitive - Applied
Third-party Module
to achieve the text-to-speech function - Supported
by using CSS MEdia Queries and Flexbox
Used Firebase
back-end service platform to set up the website (Hosting), membership system (Auth) and database (Firestore) operation .
Used NPM
for package management, Prettier
, ESLint
, Stylelint
to unified coding style, and GitHub
to do Git version control.
Routers are designed to distinguish main components, including Homepage, Flow, Practice and PracticeList. Main components are then divided into sub-components based on the complexity of the component. In addition, Header is a shared component.
States are separatively stored in each of the four main components, and are passed to the child components through props and stored in sessionStorage by React Router. Particularly, Member states are stored in the highest layer of the App and are passed through the nested tree to child components by Context API. Save feature allows member to store data in Firebase Firestore.
Users can design ideal sequences and adjust focus time on each position. YogaRoom makes practice more personal.
Without memorizing sequences, users can focus more on position and breath. YogaRoom makes practice more comfortable.
Upon logging, users are allowed to save any practice and get a quick start for next time. YogaRoom makes practice more convenient.
1️⃣ Deliver better UX: chose SPA to create more fluent UX and achieved pixel perfection
through craftsmanship
2️⃣ Minimize image size: converted images to svg format and used svgo
to minimize the file
3️⃣ Reduce blank page: Loading icon is displayed when waiting for external resources to be loaded
4️⃣ Increase website's attractiveness when sharing: set OG tag
to display website thumbnail, title and description when the URL is shared in social media
YogaRoom 是一個輔助瑜珈自主練習的工具網站。它是源於疫情期間,為了幫助瑜珈學習者在家也能自在練習,因此打造了瑜珈課體驗的線上空間,以流暢的 UX 設計,引導學習者從 自行設計瑜珈序列
,到 給予視/聽覺的示範輔助
,以及 儲存課程的功能
你可以透過訪客的方式體驗 YogaRoom 大多數的功能,也可以選擇登入會員,獲得儲存課程的功能,方便下次輕鬆快速開始你的練習。若希望測試會員功能,以下提供測試帳號及密碼供你使用。
帳號 | |
密碼 | yoga123 |
- 使用
React Hook
實現使用者體驗更好的單頁式應用。 - 使用
React Context
放在最上層的組件做會員狀態管理。 - 使用
在 JS 內撰寫 HTML 元素和樣式,達到更語意化和直觀的寫法。 - 使用 CSS Media Queries 和 Flexbox 製作
。 - 運用
使用 Firebase
使用 NPM
, ESLint
, Stylelint
根據組件的主要功能做路由區分跟管理,其中四個主要組件為 Homepage, Flow, Practice 和 PracticeList,再根據各自組件功能複雜度,再度切分成子組件。另外,Header 為共用組件。
狀態管理的位置主要在四個父組件內,透過 prop 傳遞到子組件,並透過 React Router 的 useNavigate 和 useLocation 實現不同路由的組件間的傳遞 (sessionStorage 的方式記錄)。關於會員登入狀態則是存放在 App 最上層,並透過 Context API 傳遞到組件樹內。另外,會員儲存的課程存放在 Firebase Firestore。
1️⃣ 提供更好的使用者體驗:選擇 SPA 打造更流暢體驗,並以工藝精神實現畫面的像素完美
2️⃣ 降低圖片大小,加速載入:優先使用 svg 並使用 svgo
將檔案最小化;動態圖片使用 WebM 格式搭配 HTML video 屬性,相較 gif 檔案大小降低 75 %
3️⃣ 降低出現空白畫面:等待載入外部資源時,顯示 Loading 圖示,降低因空白頁面的跳出率
4️⃣ 增加網站被分享時的吸引力:設定 OG tag