
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Beeline is an innovative solution of online meeting, you can meet each other without physical contact, and share all kinds of things in your life.

🔗 Website URL: https://beelinetw.com/

📃 API Doc: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Ben10225/beeline/1.0.11#/

🏷 Test account and password

Account Password
tester@gmail.com test1234

Main Features

Host system

  • The user who enters room the first is the room host.
  • Room members should send a request for entering the room .
  • The host can assign the other member to be the host.
  • If the host leaves the room without assigning a new host, server will randomly assign one of the left members to be the host.

Real-time services

  • Chat, Emoji, Game and Whiteboard.

Screen sharing


Backend Technique


  • Gin (Go) for backend server


  • Docker
  • DNS
  • Nginx
  • SSL (Zero SSL)


  • MongoDB Altlas

Cloud Services

  • AWS EC2
  • AWS S3
  • AWS CloudFront

Sequence Diagram

Frontend Technique

  • HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • PeerJS



🧑🏻‍💻 Hung-Lun, Peng

✉️ Email: bbnn669999@gmail.com