
Python webscraping project using Scrapy, on NYC real estate data from Trulia.com

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A Brief Look at NYC Real Estate - A Python Web Scraping Project

This is a web scraping project that focused on completed residential real estate sales (over 13,000) in New York City, as listed on the Trulia website (from May 2018 - January 2019). The website was scraped using a Python Scrapy library.

  • A brief blog post on the project can be found here

The file structure in this repository is the same as that of an initialized scrapy project. However, I have two spiders in this project.

The first one, nyz_spider was built to parse individual listing pages for information. After scraping for a brief period of time, the spider was rejected by the trulia.com website. I believe this can be averted with the use of a VPN.

Regardless, in the interest of this project, I created another spider: nyz_lite_spider that instead parses the result pages only for information. This was more successful, producing over 13,000 observations. However, this method meant abandoning the Property Type and Age features that I originally intended on using for analysis.

The three folders in this repository are as follows:

  • data: contains .csv(s) of raw, scraped data, and intermediate files (generated within the project) of preprocessed and cleaned data
  • nyc_map: contains incomplete attempts at generating maps of analyzed data
  • nyz: contains the scrapy spiders

There are two Jupyter Notebooks:

  • analysis and visualization : contains python code of the final data cleaning, EDA, analysis and data visualization done for this project
  • preprocessing: contains python code for loading raw data, initial data cleaning and organizing.

There is also a:

  • comma.py file holding a custom pyhton function used to convert integer/ float values to comma separated strings.
  • WEB SCRAPING.pdf file with the presentation slides used to present this project

Thank you very much for viewing my code!