
A simple client for TOR's ControlPort protocol

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

torctrlgo - client to control your TOR instance

Go Reference build


This is by far not a finished product.
My testing capabilities are quite limited, since I don't have a running relay and some features aren't activated.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

torctrlgo provides two different APIs.

Controller (high-level API)

The Controller API is under development. This most likely won't change any time soon. There are a wide variety of tasks, that could and should be implemented for ease of use.

If features aren't available using the Controller API, you can always access the LowController underneath.

I'm writing this mostly for fun. My use cases are limited and I have limited knowledge on which functions are needed and which functions are just too niche.
I'd love to get suggestions and submissions for new functions for the Controller API.

LowController (low-level API)

The LowController API is (for now) feature-complete. It implements all functions provided by the protocol. Future versions of TOR may change, how the protocol works and torctrlgo will need to be updated. TOR defines how the protocol will change and torctrlgo implements many compatibility conditions. In the foreseeable future, LowController shouldn't break easily.

For documentation see here.
To use this API I'd recommend looking at the control-spec documentation of TOR.