Git and GitHub practice

You will work on this project together as a team. You will practice cloning, pulling, committing, pushing changes to GitHub, creating pull requests (PR), merging and resolving merge conflicts and more.

Team name

Come up with a team name for your team. Do not spend more than 5 minutes on this. This is for fun only and will be used today only (unless you want to continue to use it later).


You will work on all of these tasks individually. Once done, create a PR, share the URL link to your PR to your team members and ask them to review it. You will need at least two approvals to merge your PR to main.


  • Change the title of the page from document to something else.

  • Add a <nav> element and add links inside the <nav> element as an unordered list. Make sure there are at least three links with one of them being your team name.

  • Add a title and a short paragraph to <header> element to describe what this page is about. Use semantic HTML and proper elements. There is no text provided, be creative. Use appropriate content.

  • There are the names of the book titles given in the <main> element however we would like to make it an ordered list.

  • There is a text given in between commented sections. Create a proper table using that text as a content.

  • Change the input type button in the form to use button element instead.

  • Make the link about Wikipedia page in the footer to open in a new tab.

  • Create an HTML page and name it your team name. Inside the HTML page, add boilerplate for HTML 5. Inside the body, add a title that is the team name.

  • Add info about you to the team page. Add at least a sub-title that is your name and a short paragraph about yourself. (You can choose to do this after the previous step is done, meaning after one of your teammates created the team page.)


  • There is an image in the character selection but not displaying correctly.

  • I cannot change my character selection from Dwarf to Elf. It selects both of them.

  • Clicking the email should direct to sending an email but there is a bug and it is not working properly.

  • Clicking the phone number should direct to making a call but there is a bug and it is not working properly.