
Welcome to our QR Code Generator repository! This is a Python implementation of a QR Code generator, with a user interface created using the Tkinter library. In this project, we aimed to create a simple, yet powerful tool for generating QR Codes for various purposes such as marketing, event management, or personal use.

Primary LanguagePython


Generated QR Code:

About The Project:

This is a simple QR code generator made using Python and Tkinter. It allows you to generate QR codes for URL that you input, and save them as image files.


Check out our project blog post for more information on the development process and our thoughts on the QR Code Generator project:


  1. Python 3.x
  2. Tkinter library (which is usually included with Python)

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository to your local machine.
  • Open a terminal window and navigate to the cloned repository.
  • Run the following command to start the game: python3 qr.py

How To Use

  1. Enter the text or URL that you want to generate a QR code for and click the "Generate QR Code" button.
  2. Your QR code will be displayed on the screen. Click the "Save QR Code" button to save the QR code image as a PNG file.
  3. Choose a location to save the QR code image by using the file dialog box that appears. Enter a file name and click the "Save" button.

Code Structure

  1. creating the user interface and handling user input.
  2. The init method initializes the user interface by creating and configuring the label, entry, and button widgets.
  3. The generate_qr_code method generates a QR code based on the user input, and the save_qr_code method saves the QR code as a PNG image file.
  4. Finally, the root variable creates the main window and runs the QRCodeGenerator class.

Made with ❤️ , Python, and Tkinter. Enjoy!