
Education hack weekend 10-11 Sept 2022

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Education hack weekend 10-11 Sept 2022

Over the weekend we had 21 people on Saturday, and 16 on Sunday, come together to work on four projects from the seven that had been suggested prior to the event.

The Projects

The four projects which attendees worked on over the weekend were

Open Data Scotland

This is the fifth hack weekend that volunteers have worked on this project which provides essential platform to find open data in Scotland.

CS in a box

Collating and building computing science resource for teachers and learners


Creating wikidata-powered quizzes with hardware and software

(Although only the basic quiz machine hardware software minus wikidata-powered quizzed was implemented during the event.)

Code Maps

Helping you locate code and data learning resources in Scotland - as open data and maps

Weekend Videos

We've uploaded the final presenatation videos from each team at the end of the weekend to Youtube

Wikidata Item

There is a wikidata item for this weekend which can be found at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q113883746