
Parent for CTC14 Archaeology event

The UnlicenseUnlicense


Parent for CTC14 Archaeology event focusing on the excavation of Aberdeen's Mither Kirk in 2006

There were a number of teams at the co-design event held at the University of Aberdeen on 15 and 16 September 2018.

The teams are ordered below to reflect a rough workflow process.

Team SK

They were identfying which skeleton was the subject of each photograph, and creating a directory structure to hold a collection of all photographs of one skeleton in a unique, identified folder.

Team Skelocator

https://github.com/CodeTheCity/skelocator which was aiming to identfy and extract data from miscellaneous sources arising from the excavation.

Team Skeleton Bridge

https://github.com/CodeTheCity/skeleton_bridge which is used to provide data from the skelocator team in a format that the unity burial team can use.

Team Spondylosis

https://github.com/CodeTheCity/spondylosis This team was exploring various ways of scanning skeletons in order to capture available information before they are later reinterred. They used various apps on mobiles and laptops to see which combinations worked best for various devices so that the outputs could later be used by the unity burial team.

Team Unity Burials

https://github.com/CodeTheCity/unity-burials which aimed to develop a virtual model of the kirk with the 900+ burials showing the skeletons in situ in order to allow a virtual reality version that people could explore.

Team PR and Marketing

https://github.com/CodeTheCity/ctc14_marketing which aimed at developing tools and processes to market and promote the excavation.