
2 month data structures and algorithmic scripting challenge starting from 20th December 2018 - Coding is Fun! 💯💯 Do it everyday!! Also, Do give us a ⭐ if you liked the repository

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Daily Codes

Coding is Fun! Do it everyday 💯💯
Code Daily, add your solutions to the given problem, submit a PR (and don't forget to add your name in the contributors list)

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Want To Be a Contributor?

Read CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.

Code Today!

Motivate yourself to code daily till 60 days, and see the magic! Coding will become your habit, and your skills will increase.

Day Number Topic Website Link Difficulty
Day 1 The Fizz Buzz Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/Day1 Beginner
Day 2 String Reversal + Palindrome https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/Day2/ Beginner
Day 3 The Hamming Distance Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/Day3/ Beginner
Day 4 Num Vowels + Max Chars https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/Day4/ Intermediate
Day 5 Pattern Printing Problems https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day5/ Intermediate
Day 6 Sentence Cap + Word Reversal + Anagram https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day6/ Intermediate
Day 7 One Edit Away https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day7/ Advanced
Day 8 Minimum Edit Distance https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day8/ Intermediate
Day 9 Smallest Substring Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day9/ Advanced
Day 10 String Permutation Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day10/ Advanced
Day 11 Longest Common Substring https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day11/ Advanced
Day 12 Substring Search Algorithms https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day12/ Advanced
Day 13 Factorial and Fibonacci https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day13/ Beginner
Day 14 Sum of digits and product of numbers https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day14/ Beginner
Day 15 Pascal's Triangle https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day15/ Intermediate
Day 16 Tower of Hanoi https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day16/ Intermediate
Day 17 N Queens Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day17/ Advanced
Day 18 Frequency Count and Check Power N https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day18/ Beginner
Day 19 Cartesian Product and Shuffle Algorithm https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day19/ Intermediate
Day 20 Array Partition https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day20/ Intermediate
Day 21 Pair Sum N and Max Subarray Sum https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day21/ Intermediate
Day 22 Common Elements Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day22/ Intermediate
Day 23 Combination Sum https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day23/ Advanced
Day 24 Array Circular Rotation https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day24/ Intermediate
Day 25 Rotate Square Tile https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day25/ Intermediate
Day 26 Spiral Generation and Copy https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day26/ Advanced
Day 27 The Minesweeper Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day27/ Advanced
Day 28 Linear Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day28/ Beginner
Day 29 Binary Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day29/ Intermediate
Day 30 Naive Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day30/ Intermediate
Day 31 Bubble Sort https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day31/ Beginner
Day 32 Selection Sort https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day32/ Intermediate
Day 33 Insertion Sort https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day33/ Beginner
Day 34 Merge Sort https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day34/ Intermediate
Day 35 Quick Sort https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day35/ Intermediate
Day 36 Radix Sort https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day36/ Intermediate
Day 37 Applications of Searching and Sorting Algorithms https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day37/ Misc
Day 38 Implement Stack Data Structure https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day38/ Beginner
Day 39 Maximum Element and Reverse Stack https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day39/ Intermediate
Day 40 Prefix, Infix, Postfix Conversion https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day40/ Intermediate
Day 41 Implement Queue Data Structure https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day41/ Beginner
Day 42 Alternate Queue Combination https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day42/ Intermediate
Day 43 Queue Reversal https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day43/ Intermediate
Day 44 Queue from Stacks https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day44/ Intermediate
Day 45 Priority Queue https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day45/ Advanced
Day 46 Double Ended Queue https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day46/ Advanced
Day 47 Singly Linked List https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day47/ Intermediate
Day 48 Doubly Linked List https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day48/ Intermediate
Day 49 MiddleMost Node Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day49/ Intermediate
Day 50 Nth From Last https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day50/ Intermediate
Day 51 Circular List https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day51/ Intermediate
Day 52 Sort and Reverse https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day52/ Intermediate
Day 53 Implement a Tree https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day53/ Advanced
Day 54 Breadth First Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day54/ Advanced
Day 55 Depth First Search https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day55/ Advanced
Day 56 Memoization https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day56/ Advanced
Day 57 Cuckoo Hashing https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day57/ Intermediate
Day 58 Binary Heap https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day58/ Advanced
Day 59 Graphs: Implementation and Traversal https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day59/ Advanced
Day 60 Shortest Path Problem https://codetoexpress.github.io/dailycodebase/day60/ Advanced

A real coder should not be satisfied by doing only one problem daily, rather he/she should keep coding as much as possible. So, here I (@MadhavBahl) am adding some more problems that you can practise 😃

Also, these problems have been taking form various sources, so ig you think you own any of the given problems, just send me an email at theleanprogrammer@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to give proper credits 😊

Want to contribute?

The file structure is as follows

│   ├───Algorithms
│   ├───Arrays
│   ├───Graphs
│   ├───LinkedLists
│   ├───Queues
│   ├───Recursion
│   ├───Stacks
│   ├───Strings
│   └───Trees

In this main README.md, there are links to the README of BONUS directory, and the README.md of sub topics In the README.md of BONUS directory, there is the list of all topics and under that there are all questions In the README.md of any topic directory, say Arrays there is a README which contains all questions of that topic along with the link to the README.md of the directory containing the question The README.md of directory containing the question must contain all the information about the question with some examples and the solution, and a little writeup about the algorithm used.

Before contributing any question, make sure that this structure is followed properly


In case you just want to contribute a question and not code, there is no need to do so many things, just open an issue with the topic Problem Submission and the problem in the comments. I'll add it myself, and will give you proper credits 😃

Practise Problems 😁

  1. Strings
  2. Recursion
  3. Array
  4. Algorithms
  5. Stacks
  6. Queues
  7. Linked Lists
  8. Trees
  9. Graphs
  10. Misc Questions
  11. Object Oriented Programming

Problems on Time and Space Complexity

EXTRA - Past Interview Questions

Here are some of the questions asked previously in major companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft etc.

To Be Added




I do not own the rights to the questions I will discuss in this Daily Codes initiative. The questions have been collected from various sources and I do not know who created all those questions. If you think you are the owner of any question or any code, send me an email at codetoexpress@gmail.com, I will be more than happy to give the appropriate credits.