
I have set up an ansible playbook along with a few scripts to help me set up a Mac machine for development.

The following packages from brew are included in the playbook.yaml:

  • awscli
  • bitwarden-cli
  • docker
  • elinks
  • ettercap
  • git
  • htop
  • thefuck
  • nmap
  • speedtest-cli
  • zsh
  • zsh-autosuggestions
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting

The following applications are installed from brew in the playbook.yaml:

  • brave
  • google-chrome
  • charles
  • franz
  • spotify
  • intellij-idea
  • firefox
  • iterm2
  • visual-studio-code
  • sourcetree
  • psequel

##Notice To run the ansible playbook run the script.