
A Node Powered Website for Myself

Primary LanguageCSS

Christopher Vachon's Node Website




There is a simple startup script for Express.

npm start


There is a simple testing script

npm test

Whats Being Used Here?

Tool What is it url
Node.JS This is a JavaScript Server side Language [http://nodejs.org/]
Express This is the framework we are using on Node [http://expressjs.com/]
Jade This is a template engine used for simple html mark up [http://jade-lang.com/]
SuperTest This is a front end testing framework [https://github.com/tj/supertest]
Mocha This is a testing framework for Node [http://mochajs.org/]
Mongoose This is a CRUD framework for MongoDB [http://mongoosejs.com/]
body-parser This is middleware to put incoming variables into request [https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser]
AngularJS This front end JavaScript Framework handels my Administration [https://angularjs.org/]
JSON Web Token this handles authentication keys [https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken]
express-jwt Middleware for JWTs [http://github.com/auth0/express-jwt/]