
A Unique social-networking platform using latest next 13 version approuter, my custom version.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tech Stack with Libraries:-

Next 14 (Typepscript) with Server-Side-Rendering(Latest-Next-Feature), Also used Server-Actions.

Shadcn UI (Modern Components Library).

Tailwind css.


Clerk (for Auth).

mongoose ORM.

Whole Social Media Platform, it will be more expanded, work continues, some SS's are here.

Kindly Note:-

One Of The Major Factor To Build Any "Huge-Large-Scale-Product" and Small "Product" is their "Code-Base". Your Code Base defines, that if it can handle large-user-base?

So, The Key is All About Not Always "What" But Also The "How", How well Feature is organized in code-base matters Alot! when carrying vision for Large-Scale-Application.

here are key features for time-saving, posts crud and follow unfollow like features are common.

Key Features:-

  • While Creating a Post, Twitter Like Text Input Like Animation for Characters Limit.
  • Popular Reels feature, as it has come to almost all the social-media platform whether it's fb, insta, or tik tok etc.
  • nested reply system, like each "Thread" has its own replies threads and those replies can also have threads. "Tree-Like-Structure" with DB and Client-Side React.
  • Infinite Loading with Skeleton Using Intersection-Observer-API in JS.
  • Social-Authentication, Continue with google github with GMAIL-OTP using Modern-Way Of Doing With "(Clerk) Service".

2e5ecb7ff1d1e6b5d680b0fbf456c67c98cb83fa c08f76bbc58d7492995a2170ffcc2743e3828edc 4f891e1cf3f6234903bfe9ab13cc5c4f361bd85a 5a42ee2f4423f4fd739df8819cce423c98646242 6e3b5397f3bdcfbb56f6cdfc2e4788c9710396c3 6e8b6508ff9b606da7f717558c35b986a9e2bf84 7c8f77a9b95a4880830f67c9eff7506f9e577706 08c055f943ecb135f90624c262d4595d73f39bc7 32f3514bef18a48e8c34632aca5ae8352639e4f4 358b8f45269719d0b197ffc37a1b29bc2e44cdca 651f008f7a70c4c7ae51d91ff07a8eab79e4dee7 653a1bb67da02a4bd4db01dce63b1d7e4174afbb 75995c652fb25457119252fbc505ed31c2b1fe54 aafb3badef6d9f7def16c77e371d9c05691e64ba

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.