
User-Routine is a JavaScript library to automate user routines on web pages. You can easily test features or create tutorials with actions such as click, await, and fill.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


User-Routine is a JavaScript library to automate user routines on web pages. You can easily test features or create tutorials with actions such as click, await, and fill.

✨ See the Live Demo


  'fill form>input.name Cory',
  'click button.submit',
  'await div.result',
  'exists div With this text',

Table of Contents



1. Install from NPM (npm install user-routine) and import

import { userRoutine } from 'user-routine';
// OR
const { userRoutine } = require('user-routine');

2. Or include the User-Routine script file (user-routine.blob.js) in your HTML:

<!-- Declares function `userRoutine` (CDN) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/CoryLR/user-routine/dist/user-routine.blob.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<!-- Declares function `userRoutine` (local file) -->
<script src="./user-routine.blob.js"></script>

3. Or copy the portable template from here: user-routine.template.js

  • ^ This works with zero setup if you copy-paste the contents into a browser console or into client-side JavaScript


User-Routine is served as a function named userRoutine.

Simple Examples

Run a test:

  'click button.btn', // Target using CSS selectors
  'await div.result Result Text', // Await result text
], { message: 'Testing the button' });

Display a tutorial:

  'comment .some-form First, fill this out',
  'comment .submit-button Then, hit Submit!',
], { message: 'Tutorial', tutorialMode: true });

Customize options to run quickly and quietly:

  'fill form>input Mock input text',
  'click button.submit',
  'await div.some-expected-result',
  // etc...
], {
  message: 'Testing the button',
  displayProgress: false, // default is true
  logProgress: false, // default is true
  globalDelay: 50, // default is 500 (0.5 seconds)
  awaitTimeout: 1500, // default is 15000 (15 seconds)

Input Parameter Details

function userRoutine(actions: string[] OR string, options: UserRoutineOptions?)

  • 1: Actions List (String (separate actions by new lines) or Array of strings/functions, required)
    • Action strings & examples:
      • append
        • Add text to the end of an element's textContent
        • 'append section>p Appended text'
      • await
        • Await for something to appear
        • 'await .modal.success-message' or 'await h1 With This Text'
      • !await
        • Await for something to disappear
        • '!await .spinner' or '!await h1 This title should disappear'
      • click
        • Click on something
        • 'click button.submit' or 'click button With This Text'
      • comment
        • Show a tooltip to point something out
        • 'comment input.name Type your name here'
      • exists
        • Check to see if something exists in any css selector matches
        • 'exists .class-name' or 'exists h1 With This Text'
      • !exists
        • Check to see if something doesn't exist in any css selector matches
        • '!exists h1 Incorrect text'
      • fill
        • Fill the value attribute of a specific element
        • 'fill form>input.name Cory Rahman'
      • log
        • Record a message
        • 'log Some message'
      • nav
        • Use hash navigation
        • 'nav #id' or 'nav #/some/hash/routing/path'
      • value
        • Check the value attribute of a specific element
        • 'value input.required' or 'value input.name Test User 1'
      • wait
        • Wait for some time
        • 'wait 3000' (3 seconds)
      • write
        • Overwrite textContent of an element
        • 'write p Overwritten text'
    • Selector:
      • CSS selector like button.class-name
      • The CSS selector should not contain spaces by default. Either use >> instead of spaces like await .container>>div Result Text) or pass a custom action string separator in the Options
    • Data:
      • Required argument for append, comment, fill, log, value, wait, and write
      • Optional argument for await, click, exists, and value
  • 2: Options (Object, optional)
    • awaitTimeout: (default: 15000) How long in milliseconds to wait for an element using the await command
    • continueOnFailure: (default: false) Continue to run actions even if one fails
    • displayMessage: (default: true) Show message at the top of the page
    • displayProgress: (default: true) Show animations of actions visually on the page using tooltips
    • displaySpeed: (default: 1) Animation speed for displayProgress tooltips (0.5 = half speed, 2 = double speed, etc)
    • globalDelay: (default: 500) Time between actions in milliseconds
    • keyboardControls: (default: true) Enables play/pause/stop with space and escape keys
    • logCollapse: (default: false) Initializes the console group collapsed
    • logProgress: (default: true) Show real-time progress in the browser console
    • logResult: (default: true) Show the final result in the browser console
    • message: (default: 'User-Routine') Label to show in the console and in the DOM
    • messageAttribution: (default: 'User-Routine') Subtitle text shown when custom message is provided
    • overrideCss: (default: '') Override default User-Routine CSS, target classes such as .user-routine-message, .user-routine-focus-box, or .user-routine-tooltip
    • separator: (default: ' ' (space)) Choose different text to separate the different parts of the action string. For example, with separator set to '; ', you could write an action string like 'await; .container div[name="Result Box"]; Result Text'.
    • simultaneousAllowed: (default: false) Allow the User-Routine to run even if one is already running
    • tutorialMode: (default: false) Add a "Next" button to tooltips, and only show tooltips for "log" and "comment" actions

Output Details

  • The userRoutine function returns a Promise resolving to type UserRoutineReturn:
    • export type UserRoutineReturn = { success: boolean, log: string[], message: string, configuration: UserRoutineOptions };
  • Updates are also logged to the browser console like so:
[User-Routine] Message
  * Filled the value of form>input.name to 'Cory'
  * Clicked on button[type="submit"]
  * Awaiting 'div.success-message'...
  * ...Found 'div.success-message'
  * Done, success: true
  Result: { success: true, log: Array(4), message: 'Message' }

More Resources


Live Demo

✨ See the Live Demo


See the user-routine.template.js for examples of running multiple sequential tests using async/await. This template also works with zero setup if you copy-paste the contents into a browser console or into client-side JavaScript


Fill inputs with fill and interact with click using Selectors:

  'fill input[type="text"] Hello, world!', // Fills in the input
  'fill input[type="number"] 20',
  'click button.some-class', // Clicks a button with class 'some-class'
  'click div With certain text', // Clicks on the given text within a div
  'click * With certain text', // Clicks on the given text regardless of containing element
  'click body>>.nested-div', // Use `>>` instead of spaces in CSS selectors
  • Note: To use spaces in CSS selectors, either replace the spaces with >> (like body>>.class instead of body .class) or define a custom separator using the separator option (like separator: '; ').

Validate the DOM with exists and value:

  'exists p.some-class', // Checks for the existence of this element
  'exists p.some-class With certain text', // Also checks if it includes certain text
  '!exists p.some-class', // Validates that the element does not exist
  '!exists p.some-class With certain text', // Validates that the element does not exist with certain text
  'value input.required', // Validates that the element has any value
  'value input.name Jane Doe', // Validates that the element has a value of "Jane Doe"

Deal with timing using await and wait:

  'await div.some-popup', // Awaits the existence of this element
  'await div.some-popup With certain text', // Awaits for it to include certain text
  '!await div.some-spinner', // Awaits the non-existence of this element
  '!await div.some-popup With certain text', // Awaits for it to not include certain text
  'wait 3000', // waits 3 seconds
  • Note: The default await timeout is 15000 ms (15 seconds), overwrite using the awaitTimeout option.

Navigate within a single-page application using nav:

  'nav #some-id',
  'nav #/some/hash/routing/path',
  'nav #', // Back to the top

Add notes with append, log, and write:

  'write h1 Testing successful!', // overwrites the h1's textContent
  'append h1  - Testing successful!', // appends to the h1's textContent
  'log The testing is complete.',

Pass options as a second argument:

  'fill input.name Cory',
  'click button[type="submit"]',
], { globalDelay: 1000 });
// ^ Options object with 1 second between actions
  • Note: See Usage for a list of options



Getting Started

Continuous Development

To publish:

  1. Bump the version number in the package.json
  2. npm i
  3. npm run build
  4. Test one last time
  5. Fix any issues then commit changes
  6. npm publish --access public


  • Add a tutorial walk-through to the demo page, using User-Routine to showcase User-Routine
  • Improve tutorialMode by automating progress via await and other actions instead of relying on the Next button
  • Separate actions into externally-callable functions
  • Add global case-sensitivity option
  • (Maybe) Add count action to count instances of a particular CSS selector
  • (Maybe) Add copy/paste actions
  • (Maybe) Add ability to keybind User-Routine(s) to keys
  • (Maybe) Add copy/paste actions