
Week 9 project FE repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Student Resource Library

Our Brief

"To improve the lives of bootcampers on the course."

Our Solution

We wanted to create a resource library for useful tech links. We wanted it to be user lead and easy to update.

Project details

A React front end interacts with an Express backend that provides links to a Postgres database within Heroku. Built in just three days by a fully remote team, we managed our workflow using Notion.io and implemented Agile methodology using a framework with daily stand ups and retros.

Working on the project

  • Move into your directory of choice: cd ~/YOUR_DIRECTORY
  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/w9_frontend-project-team-is-undefined
  • Move into the project file: cd project
  • Install the dependencies: npm install
  • To run the project: npm start

For backend, follow https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/w9_backend-project-team-is-undefined

Running tests

This repository contains a set of Cypress end-to-end tests.

Tech stack

Front end:

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Material UI, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress

Back end:

NodeJS, Express, SuperTest, PostgreSQL, Heroku


App Screenshot