
Reddit/Hacker News clone made with MEAN stack. From Thinkster.io tutorial, "Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN."

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reddit clone made with MEAN stack

by Gary Pang, "CodeWritingCow"

This is a Reddit/Hacker News clone made with the MEAN stack.

Although the app is based on a Thinkster.io tutorial, I made major changes.

In the tutorial, angularApp.js contained too many components. So, I removed all its AngularJS states, controllers and factories, then saved them as their own files. I saved configuration variables in a new file (config.js) where I can configure app settings.

Gulp was added to automate parts of my workflow. I installed local packages via Bower, so I could keep working even when the free WiFi was down at my local coffee shop.

The Thinkster tutorial is "Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN."