Class 'yii\base\UnknownClassException' not found
basheerOct opened this issue · 1 comments
basheerOct commented
While using AspectMock
for unit testing, the autoload
method in BaseYii.php
can not find the following class:
Class 'yii\base\UnknownClassException' not found
However tests are passing successfully.
public static function autoload($className)
if (isset(static::$classMap[$className])) {
$classFile = static::$classMap[$className];
if ($classFile[0] === '@') {
$classFile = static::getAlias($classFile);
} elseif (strpos($className, '\\') !== false) {
$classFile = static::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $className) . '.php', false);
if ($classFile === false || !is_file($classFile)) {
} else {
include $classFile;
if (YII_DEBUG && !class_exists($className, false) && !interface_exists($className, false) && !trait_exists($className, false)) {
throw new UnknownClassException("Unable to find '$className' in file: $classFile. Namespace missing?"); // <---
lionsoftware commented
To solve this use:
$kernel->loadFile(YII_APP_BASE_PATH . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php'); // <- this is exist line
$kernel->loadFile(YII_APP_BASE_PATH . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/ErrorException.php'); // <-- Required to add
$kernel->loadFile(YII_APP_BASE_PATH . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/UnknownClassException.php'); // <-- Required to add