The most powerful and flexible mocking framework for PHPUnit / Codeception.
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Should we mark this package as EOL?
#208 opened by SamMousa - 5
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AspectMock not working in Codeception framework & yii2 framework
#207 opened by omprakash-pachkawade-jiem - 0
AspectMock не мокает объект
#206 opened by skugarev - 0
Importing class itself as a class name instead of using 'self', cause infinite recursion
#186 opened by sookcha - 1
test::func doesn't work I expected
#204 opened by sapsaldog - 1
Error when mocking built-in function with pass-by-reference argument and argument with default value (PHP 8)
#201 opened by jimbonator - 0
Redefinition of parameter $_ PointcutGrammar.php
#203 opened by romanpan2 - 0
How can i past a double to a class contructor?
#182 opened by videni - 1
It still uses real class instead mock class.
#196 opened by khiemnguyen-ffw - 27
Lack of comment in the doubled class causes "ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'if' (T_IF), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST)"
#185 opened by eugenlisov - 2
AspectMock don't mock DateTime object
#163 opened by tupikoff - 1
Status of AspectMock?
#191 opened by troy-rudolph - 0
Error: Using $this when not in object context
#187 opened by Jekahome - 2
Incorrect cache files
#184 opened by wppunk - 1
cacheDir cannot be omitted
#181 opened by alekseykuleshov - 2
Cant mock laravel Model
#162 opened by lotarbo - 0
How load more then one class from file?
#183 opened by matvey151 - 0
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test::double doesn't work
#168 opened by sggeorgiev - 4
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Cannot was not found by locator
#175 opened by gglazewski - 1
Using FuncProxy on my own functions
#170 opened by charlesdeb - 1
Class 'yii\base\UnknownClassException' not found
#173 opened by basheerOct - 0
verifyInvokedMultipleTimes and ArgumentFormatter formats an object in an array with __set_state
#174 opened by AndySox - 2
basic mock is not working
#164 opened by Chig8 - 0
I can't install this package using composer require codeception/aspect-mock --dev
#166 opened by a1tem - 0
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Non-existent functions can't be mocked since 2.1.0
#158 opened by wxa - 1
AspectMock - Intercept - FunctionInjector.php : getParameterDeclaration() : 53
#148 opened by ahmed-abid - 1
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return void - php7.1 feature broken
#123 opened by zuozp8 - 3
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GoAOP deprecated StreamMetaData->source
#146 opened by bl-cp - 1
test::double not working with basic PHP 5.6 project
#128 opened by danAtInv - 5
PHPUnit 6 Support?
#140 opened by paulrrogers - 2
Unable to instrument classes in the /vendor directory
#139 opened by kzap - 0
Remove temp created files?
#145 opened by zeeshanbashir - 1
return void - php7.1 feature broken
#144 opened by rommeras - 1
Symfony3-Codeception-AspectMock config
#141 opened by Shaamin - 0
Error in Generators
#142 opened by titanrat - 4
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How is caching (cacheDir) supposed to work?
#136 opened by bkonetzny - 0
Parse Error
#134 opened by jober86 - 0
Mocking with a Closure
#131 opened by vinkaga - 1
error with custom autoloader and traits
#129 opened by rbro - 3