
cacheDir cannot be omitted

alekseykuleshov opened this issue · 1 comments

It's stated in documentation that cacheDir setting can be skipped:

  • cacheDir a dir where updated source PHP files can be stored. If this directory is not set, proxie classes will be built on each run. Otherwise all PHP files used in tests will be updated with aspect injections and stored into cacheDir path.

Although when I don't specify it, I getting the error running the tests:

Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: You need to provide valid cache directory for Go! AOP framework.

What do I do wrong? Or if it's really required and cannot be omitted, the documentation should be updated.

Same problem here.

I've added the folder aopcache to my project and set the init as follow:

    'debug' => true,
    'includePaths' => [__DIR__ . '/../application'],
    'cacheDir'     => __DIR__ . '/../aopcache', // Cache directory

I agree with @alekseykuleshov. I think the documentation should be updated.