
The Keep3r CLI provides an easy-to-use CLI along with all the necessary code required to run your own keeper and start working on jobs on The Keep3r Network.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Keep3r CLI

The Keep3r CLI provides an easy-to-use CLI along with all the necessary code required to run your own keeper and start working on jobs on The Keep3r Network.

Jobs can be added as external packages. This allows job owners to publish their own scripts for keepers to run them on their local infrastructure.

Getting Started

  1. Install geth
  2. Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/keep3r-network/cli
  3. Install dependencies (yarn install)
  4. Create a .json file with your config. Use the example .config.example.json we provide to see the fields you have to complete.
  5. Create a .json file with your secrets. Use the example .secrets.example.json we provide to see how to complete it
  6. Run a local geth node, and wait till it fully synchronizes with yarn node:mainnet. In case you want to run the node somewhere else or in a specific port, remember changing the localRpc configuration.
  7. Run the following command. Both the --config and --secrets flag are required. You will have to provide the path to where your config and secrets file are located. yarn start --config <path_to_config_file> --secrets <path_to_secrets_file>

First run

The first time running the script, chances are the user's keeper is not yet registered in The Keep3r Network. If that's the case, the script will prompt the user to perform the activation process, bonding 0 KP3Rs to the protocol, and being able to activate the keeper after 3 days.

Job board

  • Harvest V2

    • Package: @keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs
    • Location: node_modules/@keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs/src/mainnet/harvest-v2
    • Requirements to run
  • DCA

    • Package: @keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs
    • Location: node_modules/@keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs/src/mainnet/dca
    • Requirements to run
  • Tend V2

    • Package: @keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs
    • Location: node_modules/@keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs/src/mainnet/tend-v2
    • Requirements to run
  • Tend V2 2

    • Package: @keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs
    • Location: node_modules/@keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs/src/mainnet/tend-v2-2
    • Requirements to run



RPC address which will be used for broadcasting general use transactions (keeper bond & activation).


Array of job objects to run. The configuration given (except for the path) does not need to be repeated for every job, instead, it can be defined once in the jobDefaults config and overriden when necessary.

You can find a more detailed explanation of these parameters with examples to understand them further in the Getting Technical Section below.

  • Default: []

Sample job with full overriden default configuration:

  "path": "node_modules/@keep3r-network/cli-sample-jobs/dist/mainnet/dca",
  "futureBlocks": 3,
  "bundleBurst": 5,
  "timeToAdvance": 200,
  "priorityFee": 10


Number of blocks in the future to simulate the transactions on. It is recommended to set it up higher for computational demanding jobs.

  • Default: 1


Amount of blocks to target with emitted transactions.

  • Default: 6


Time, in seconds, to advance in the forks. This allows us to discover workable works before they're workable.

  • Default: 120


Priority fee in gwei, the user is willing to pay the miner to have his bundle included.

  • Default: 10


RPC used for simulations. The recommended setup is to point it to a local light node.

  • Default:


Flashbot relays used for broadcasting work transactions.

  • Default: ['https://relay.flashbots.net']


Chain id of the network to work on.

  • Default: 1


Keep3r address used to interact with the protocol (bond & activate).

  • Default: 0x1cEB5cB57C4D4E2b2433641b95Dd330A33185A44

Default Keep3r address will be changed to Keep3rV2 in future release.


KP3R ERC20 token address.

  • Default: 0x1cEB5cB57C4D4E2b2433641b95Dd330A33185A44


Keep3r Helper address used for quoting KP3R.

  • Default: 0xcb12Ac8649eA06Cbb15e29032163938D5F86D8ad


Maximum maxFeePerGas allowed to pay. This is not a mandatory config.


The secrets is a json file. It's only readable by Keep3r CLI Core (not by jobs), and holds the private information of the keeper and the flashbots signer.

  "keeperPrivateKey": "0x...",
  "bundleSignerPrivateKey": "0x..."


We also provide you a way to perform simulations on past blocks without actually sending the transactions to flashbots. This can be a useful debugging tool.

For example, we could verify that a job was workable at a specific block in the past. Such simulation may require using an archive node as localRpc.

The command to run is:

yarn simulate --job <job_path> --block <block_number> --config <simulation_config_path>

The minimum simulation config required to run a simulation looks like:

  "localRpc": "https://eth-goerli.alchemyapi.io/v2/API_KEY",
  "keeper": "KEEPER_ADDRESS"


Address of the user's keeper to run tests without the user's secrets. This is only required when running yarn simulate or yarn test.


  1. We recommend the user to run the CLI as a linux service, or using pm2, or forever. All of these services will monitor the execution of the script, and automatically restart it if an exception is thrown.

  2. As a part of the setup, having a local light node is recommended when running simulations. It can be spawned by running yarn node:mainnet, and pointing the forkRpc to localhost. Using RPC services (like Alchemy) is discouraged, as they have reduced performance on recent blocks.

Getting more technical

When running a job with the intent of working it, it's important to be as efficient as possible to be able to work it quickly. Keepers, in general, will employ different strategies to achieve this. The Keep3r CLI provides four optional parameters for each job that have a major effect on how efficient the keeper can be running each job. These parameters are:

  • futureBlocks
  • bundleBurst
  • timeToAdvance
  • priorityFee

futureBlocks and bundleBurst

Let's say we are running a single job at block 100 and we intend to try and work it in that very same block. However, we may notice that, if our computer is slow or if the job is computationally-heavy to simulate, going through the whole process of running the job until it's sent to flashbots as a bundle, may take more than one block. It may even take two or more. So we would run into an interesting problem if we start working at block 100 and try to send it to flashbots at block 100 when it finished going through the whole pipeline of logic at block 102.

Here's where futureBlocks comes to the rescue. If we set a futureBlocks of 3 and start working at block 100, then the bundle will know that it must send the bundled transactions required to work the job at block 103 = 100 + futureBlocks(3)

This is great, but there's a possibility that our bundle is not included in block 103. This can happen, for example, if the miner of block 103 is not a FlashBot. If this takes place, then we would be out of luck. We would need to restart the process again, and send the same bundled transactions for block 106 (103 + futureBlocks(3)), and perhaps by then the job is not workable anymore. This would be inefficient at best. To solve this, bundleBurst comes to the rescue. bundleBurst allows us to send the same bundled transactions for different consequent blocks.

In other words, we can start working at block 100, aim to send our bundle at block 105 thanks to futureBlocks, but we can also have the CLI send that very same bundle we sent at block 105 at blocks 106, 107 and 108, saving us a lot of computation. How many blocks ahead we sent the bundled transactions is determined by bundleBurst. If we have a bundleBurst of 5, then it would send the same bundle for blocks 105, 106 107, 108, and 109.

A question arises at this point, what happens after block 109? Will the CLI repeat the process and aim at block 114? If that's the case, then we missed all the blocks in-between blocks 109 and 114. Forunately, the CLI is smart enough to initiate this whole process again at our first target block, meaning we won't miss any blocks.

For example:

  • We start working at block 100 with futureBlocks set to 5 and bundleBurst to 3. Our first target block will be block 105, and we will send bundles for blocks 105, 106 and 107
  • When block 105 arrives, this whole process is initiated again automatically. This time, however, the CLI will use the bundleBurst to calculate which will be our next target block. So, our target block becomes block 108 (105 + bundleBurst(3)), and we will send bundles for blocks 108, 109, and 110.
  • The same thing will happen in the next iteration. Our target block will be block 111 and we will send bundles for blocks 111, 112, 113. This way we send bundles for every workable block without running a crazy amount of simulations.


timeToAdvance is more straight-forward. Many jobs use a time-dependent cooldown to define when they will be workable or not. This means that if we can advance to a certain timestamp before the block with that timestamp actually arrives, we can see many blocks ahead whether, at that timestamp, the job will be workable or not.

For example, if a job becomes workable at block 100, and we assume each block is validated every 15 seconds, we could check whether that job would be workable at block 90 if we define a timeToAdvance of 150 seconds (10 blocks * 15 seconds). Which would increase our chances of working that job at the same block it becomes workable.


priorityFee is also straight-forward. This is the tip we pay the flashbot miner, and will define whether our bundle is included or not in case another keeper also sends a bundle trying to work the same job as us. Whoever pays a higher priorityFee will get his bundle included and successfully work the job.

Upon hearing this, we may be tempted to give the miner a large priorityFee, but this can end up with the transaction being unprofitable for us.