
This Ansible role sets up a control node with Python virtual environments for both vSphere Automation SDK and Ansible-Core. It installs necessary system packages, sets up Python virtual environments, configures proxies, and ensures correct permissions.

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Ansible Role: Control Node Setup

This Ansible role sets up a control node with Python virtual environments for both vSphere Automation SDK and Ansible-Core. It installs necessary system packages, sets up Python virtual environments, configures proxies, and ensures correct permissions.


  • Ansible 2.9+
  • Python 3
  • Supported OS: CentOS, RHEL

Role Variables

The following variables are configurable within your playbook or inventory to customize the role's behavior:

Variable Description Default / Example Value
required_packages List of system packages required for the environment. ['python3', 'git', 'sshpass']
package_state State of the system packages (present, latest, etc.). present
virtualenv_sdk_packages Python packages for the vSphere SDK environment. ['pip', 'setuptools', 'pynetbox', 'netaddr', 'requests']
virtualenv_requirements Python packages with specific versions for the Ansible-Core environment. ['pynetbox', 'pytz', 'netaddr', 'ansible']
virtualenv_sdk_path Path to the vSphere SDK virtual environment. /opt/vsphere-automation-sdk-env
vsphere_sdk_url URL for the vSphere SDK package. git+https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python.git
venv_path Path for the Ansible-Core virtual environment. /opt/venv_ansible
requirements_file Path for the requirements.txt file. /opt/venv_ansible/requirements.txt
srv_ansible_home Home directory for the srv-ansible user. /home/srv-ansible
proxy_env Proxy settings to be configured in .bashrc for the service user. {http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy}

Usage Example

Include this role in your playbook and set the required variables:

Example Playbook

- name: Install and Configure Ansible Control Node
  hosts: sites_prod
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    - role: ansible-control
          - python3
          - git
          - sshpass
        package_state: "latest"
        venv_path: "/opt/venv_ansible"
          - pynetbox
          - pytz
          - netaddr
          - ansible
        virtualenv_sdk_path: "/opt/vsphere-automation-sdk-env"
        vsphere_sdk_url: "git+https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python.git"
          http_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
          https_proxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
          no_proxy: "localhost,"

Role Tasks

  • System Package Installation: Installs the required system packages using dnf.
  • Proxy Configuration: Sets up proxy environment variables in .bashrc for the srv-ansible user.
  • vSphere SDK Virtual Environment Setup: Creates and configures a Python virtual environment for the vSphere SDK.
  • Ansible-Core Virtual Environment Setup: Creates and configures a Python virtual environment for Ansible-Core, including a requirements.txt file for specified packages.
  • Permissions Management: Ensures that both virtual environment directories have the correct ownership and permissions.

Author Information

Ibrahim Musayev