
A starter-kit quipped with the minimal requirements for Puppeteer + Jest, making E2E testing a breeze.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Puppeteer-Jest Starter


A starter-kit quipped with the minimal requirements for Puppeteer + Jest, making E2E testing a breeze.

Kicking off:

Install dependencies:

$ npm i

Run the test:

$ npm start

Run test test in headed Chrome:

$ npm start:headed

What's inside:


  • provide wrapped global.page instance so that you can start writting your test case immediately.

Screenshot for each failed test case

  • A screenshot will be taken for each failed test case, put in screenshots folder. (/tmp/screenshots if env.CI)
  • Each file will be named by the spec description

Failure details for each failed test case

  • A json file named by the spec description will be generated for each failed test case. Contents in the file include:
    • The current page url
    • Spec description
    • console messages

Multiple Browsers

Sometimes, we'd like to manipulate more than on browsers in a test case. For example, testing two sided chat. We can do that by:

const { getPageFromBrowser } = require('lib/browserStore')

describe('Demo', () => {
  it('manipulates multiple browsers', async ()=> {
    const page2 = await getPageFromBrowser('page2')

    // do something with `global.page` here
    // and do some other thing to `page2` here

    await page.goto('...')
    await page2.goto('...')

where the getPageFromBrowser works as a browser store providing multiple browser references by browserName:

page1 = await getPageFromBrowser('the-name')
page2 = await getPageFromBrowser('the-name')

page1 === page2 // true

Wrapped global.page with convenient default options and behaviors which can be overwritten easily when needed

For example, global.page.goto is with default option waitUntil: networkidle0 and fails with readable erorr message if the returning status code is not 200. To overwrite it, just

  waitUntil: 'my-other-desired-options',
  myOtherKey: 'my-other-value'

The default options/overwritten methods can be modified in lib/pageWrapper.

Default options/behavior in global.page

  • page.goto: waitUntil: 'networkidle0', guard status 200
  • page.waitForSelector: visible: true
  • page.click: First waitForSelector with visible: true then click

Make it easy to decouple test case with UI detail

In e2e testing, it's easy to scatter css selectors all around the code base. This makes maintainance when UI changes a nightmare. Here we use window driver layer to mitigate this issue and make the error message more readable at the same time:


it('is nasty', async () => {
  // do payment
  await page.click('.my-first-css-selector')
  await page.click('.my-another-css-selector')
  await page.click('.my-yet-another-css-selector')
  await page.click('.this-drove-me-crazy')


const { getPageFromBrowser } = require('lib/browserStore')

function createPageDriver (page) {
  return wrapErrorHandler({
    async doPayment() {
      // when UI implementation changed, change here
      await page.click('.my-first-css-selector')
      await page.click('.my-another-css-selector')
      await page.click('.my-yet-another-css-selector')
      await page.click('.this-drove-me-crazy')
  }, 'MyDemoPage')

it('is much better', async () => {
  // when UI implementation changed, this part won't change if the business logic remains the same
  const driver = createPageDriver(page)
  await page.doPayment()

By adding a layer between business logic and UI details, we can abstract out the UI implementation detail there.

CI setup

CircleCI config is included!