
Word guessing game project that uses object oriented programming in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OOP Game Show App TD Project 4

Word guessing game project that uses object oriented programming in Javascript


This file handles the game class that handles the central game logic


  • missed - Initialized at zero and acts as a counter to see how many times the player has missed
  • phrases - Holds an array of Phrase objects, intialized with this.createPhrases()
  • activePhrase - Initialized as null. This is the phrase chosen to play in the game. The value is assigned in startGame() when a phrase is chosen with this.getRandomPhrase()


This function, that takes no parameters initializes the game by clearing all previous values, in the case that the game was restarted by the player, and gets the game ready by picking a random phrase with getRandomPhrase() and setting it to the this.activePhrase then displaying it with addPhraseToDisplay()


This function, that takes no parameters, creates an array of 5 Phrase objects and returns it


This function, that takes no parameters, returns a random phrase from this.phrases


This function takes a button parameter. If this.activePhrase contains the inputted button, the button is given a chosen class, disabled and the matching letter is displayed with this.activePhrase.showMatchedLetter(). Then it checks for a win with this.checkForWin(), if true this.gameOver() is called, if not nothing happens. If this.activePhrase does not contain the inputted button, the button is given a wrong class, disabled and this.removeLife() is called


This function that takes no parameters. When called, this function animates the live heart image 360 degrees and changes it to a lost heart image visually indicating a loss of life to the player. Then there is a check on this.missed to see if the player has any lives remaining, if this.missed is 5, this.gameOver() is called


This function, that takes no parameters, checks to see how many hide classes are assigned on the page. The hide class is only assigned to letters that are still hidden, if all letters are shown, they should have a show class name instead. If there are no hide class names assigned, true is returned, otherwise false is returned


This function takes a boolean parameter, gameWon. The game first checks to see if gameWon is false, if so the overlay is given a lose class name and brings the overlay back with a fadeIn animation with jQuery. The <h1> element with the id game-over-message is updated is a message to show the player that they lost. Otherwise the function changes the overlay to a win screen, with the overlay being give a win class name and a update to game-over-message with a message to show the player they won. After either scenario, this.missed is reset to zero to prepare in case the player wants to play again. There was a bug with the lost heart images appearing over the overlay so those image's animation values are reset as well.


This file contains the Phrase class that handles all the logic for the phrase object


  • phrase - Initialized and turned to lower case when Phrase object is generated


This function, that takes no parameters, splits the phrase into separate characters and iterates over them, adding them to page with unique classes based on whether it is a letter or space.


This function takes a letter parameter and checks to see if this phrase object includes it and returns a boolean value based on those findings


This function takes a letter parameter, loops through the phrase and shows every instance of that letter in the phrase by removing the hide class and adding the show class.

Additional styles

Animations were added to the transitions between the game start and play screens, the play screen and game over screens and a rotation to the heart images to help indicate a loss in life. There are also borders added to the chosen letters in the display.