
Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



The team is building an MVP version of Twitter with strictly Swift UI using the MVVM architecture. We will be building this completely from scratch, starting with the User Interface skeleton, and working our way up to integrating our API with Firebase and data models. We will be building all the core components of a social network. This includes following users, uploading/liking tweets, direct messaging, creating a user profile, and registering users.

App Evaluation

  • Social
  • UI/UX for mobile iOS experience
  • A service for friends, family, and coworkers to stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages
  • 353 million active users
  • Twitter audience most receptive, valuable for its influence, and brand conscious
  • Very mature technology

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • Following users
  • Viewing tweets
  • Uploading/liking/commenting tweets
  • Implement user profile
  • Log-in/sign-up users
  • Search users

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Direct messaging
  • Edit user profile

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login
    • Login
  • Signup
    • Signup
  • Main
    • Viewing tweets
    • Following users
    • liking tweets
  • Profile
    • Creating/editing a user profile
  • Post
    • Uploading tweets
  • Tweet
    • Viewing tweets details
    • Viewing tweets comments
    • Commenting tweets
    • Following users
    • liking tweets

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • No tab navigation needed.

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login
    • Main
  • Signup
    • Login
  • Main
    • Post
    • Profile
    • Tweet
  • Profile
    • Main
  • Post
    • Tweet
  • Tweet
    • Main




Property Type Description
id String unique id for the user
username String username
profileImageUrl String URL to profile image
fullname String full name
email String email
stats UserStats user statistics
bio String bio
isFollowed Bool if the user is already followed
isCurrentUser Bool if this instance is current user


Property Type Description
followers Int number of followers
following Int number of owner's followings


Property Type Description
id String unique id for the user
username String username
profileImageUrl String URL to profile image
fullname String full name
caption String caption
likes Int user statistics
uid String unique id for the message
timeStamp TimeStamp time of tweet
replyingTo String receiver ID


Property Type Description
id String unique id for the message
user User user
toId String receiver ID
fromId String sender ID
isFromCurrentUser Bool if sender is current user
timeStamp TimeStamp time of message


  • Login

    • (Get) get user info
        func login(withEmail email: String, password: String) {
          Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { result, error in
              if let error = error {
                  print("DEBUG: Failed to login: \(error.localizedDescription)")
              self.userSession = result?.user
  • Signup

    • (Post) post user info
         func registerUser(email: String, password: String, username: String,
                       fullname: String, profileImage: UIImage) {
         guard let imageData = profileImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.3) else { return }
         let filename = NSUUID().uuidString
         let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference().child(filename)
         storageRef.putData(imageData, metadata: nil) { _, error in
             if let error = error {
                 print("DEBUG: Failed to upload image \(error.localizedDescription)")
             storageRef.downloadURL { url, _ in
                 guard let profileImageUrl = url?.absoluteString else { return }
                 Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { result, error in
                     if let error = error {
                         print("DEBUG: Error \(error.localizedDescription)")
                     guard let user = result?.user else { return }
                     let data = ["email": email,
                                 "username": username.lowercased(),
                                 "fullname": fullname,
                                 "profileImageUrl": profileImageUrl,
                                 "uid": user.uid]
                     Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(user.uid).setData(data) { _ in
                         self.userSession = user
  • Main

    • (Get) get main page tweets
       func fetchTweets() {
         guard let uid = AuthViewModel.shared.userSession?.uid else { return }
         var tweets = [Tweet]()
         COLLECTION_USERS.document(uid).collection("user-feed").getDocuments { snapshot, _ in
             guard let documents = snapshot?.documents else { return }
             documents.forEach { document in
                 COLLECTION_TWEETS.document(document.documentID).getDocument { snapshot, _ in
                     guard let data = snapshot?.data() else { return }
                     tweets.append(Tweet(dictionary: data))
                     if tweets.count == documents.count {
                         self.tweets = tweets.sorted(by: { $0.timestamp.dateValue() > $1.timestamp.dateValue() })
    • (Post) sign out
       func signOut() {
           userSession = nil
           user = nil
           try? Auth.auth().signOut()
  • Profile

    • (Get) get user details
       func fetchUserStats() {
         guard let user = self.user else { return }
         UserService.fetchUserStats(user: user) { stats in
             self.user?.stats = stats
  • Post

    • (Post) post user tweet
      private func upload(caption: String, type: TweetUploadType) {
         guard let user = AuthViewModel.shared.user else { return }
         let docRef = documentReference(forUploadType: type)
         var data: [String: Any] = ["uid": user.id,
                                    "caption": caption,
                                    "fullname": user.fullname, "timestamp": Timestamp(date: Date()),
                                    "username": user.username,
                                    "profileImageUrl": user.profileImageUrl,
                                    "likes": 0,
                                    "id": docRef.documentID]
         switch type {
         case .reply(let tweet):
             data["replyingTo"] = tweet.username
             docRef.setData(data) { _ in
                 let userRepliesRef = COLLECTION_USERS.document(user.id).collection("user-replies").document(docRef.documentID)
                 userRepliesRef.setData(data) { _ in
                     self.isPresented = false
                     NotificationViewModel.uploadNotification(toUid: tweet.uid, type: .reply, tweet: tweet)
         case .tweet:
             docRef.setData(data) { _ in
                 self.isPresented = false 
  • Tweet

    • (Post) tweet interactions like liking, following, commenting
      func likeTweet() {
         guard let uid = AuthViewModel.shared.userSession?.uid else { return }
         let tweetLikesRef = COLLECTION_TWEETS.document(tweet.id).collection("tweet-likes")
         let userLikesRef = COLLECTION_USERS.document(uid).collection("user-likes")
         COLLECTION_TWEETS.document(tweet.id).updateData(["likes": tweet.likes + 1]) { _ in
             tweetLikesRef.document(uid).setData([:]) { _ in
                 userLikesRef.document(self.tweet.id).setData([:]) { _ in
                     self.didLike = true
                     NotificationViewModel.uploadNotification(toUid: self.tweet.uid, type: .like, tweet: self.tweet)
    • (Delete) revert actions like liking, following
      func unlikeTweet() {
         guard let uid = AuthViewModel.shared.userSession?.uid else { return }
         let tweetLikesRef = COLLECTION_TWEETS.document(tweet.id).collection("tweet-likes")
         let userLikesRef = COLLECTION_USERS.document(uid).collection("user-likes")
         COLLECTION_TWEETS.document(tweet.id).updateData(["likes": tweet.likes - 1]) { _ in
             tweetLikesRef.document(uid).delete { _ in
                 userLikesRef.document(self.tweet.id).delete { _ in
                     self.didLike = false
                     NotificationViewModel.deleteNotification(toUid: self.tweet.uid, type: .like, tweetId: self.tweet.id)
    • (Get) get tweet details
       func fetchUserTweets() {
         COLLECTION_TWEETS.whereField("uid", isEqualTo: user.id).getDocuments { snapshot, _ in
             guard let documents = snapshot?.documents else { return }
             self.userTweets = documents.map({ Tweet(dictionary: $0.data()) })