Node.js Example

  • Usage:

    • Run Example in Node.js REPL
      npm install
      node repl
      let person1 = new Person("luke", "schoen")
  • Original Setup

    • Mocha
      • Install Mocha
        npm install --save-dev mocha
      • Add to package.json
        "scripts": {
          "test-mocha": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha ./test/**/*.mocha.js",
          "test-mocha-watch": "mocha -R list -w ./test/**/*.mocha.js",
      • Add Test file for person.js and include contents
        mkdir test && touch test/person.js
      • Run tests with either
        npm run test-mocha
        npm run test-mocha-watch
      • Reference:
    • Jest
      • Install Jest
        npm install --save-dev jest-cli
        touch test/person.test.js
      • Add to package.json. Note that console.log(window) results in error with node test environment set
        "scripts": {
          "test-jest": "jest",
          "test-jest-watch": "jest --watch"
        "jest": {
          "testEnvironment": "node"
      • Install Babel to avoid error Couldn't find preset "env" relative to directory (Reference: babel/babel-preset-env#186)
        npm install --save-dev babel-preset-env
      • Create .babelrc file
        touch .babelrc
      • Copy/paste the following in the .babelrc:
          "presets": [
              "env",  { "modules": false }
      • Run tests with:
        npm run test-jest
        npm run test-jest-watch
      • Reference: