This is the code for this paper
This project can be built and trained on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS, with python3.6/3.7 and CUDA 10.0/cudnn 7.6.5.
conda create -n enso python=3.6
source activate enso
pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0
pip install netCDF4==1.5.3
pip install pandas==0.25.3
pip install scikit-learn==0.21.3
pip install progress==1.5
pip install loguru==0.3.2
pip install absl-py
pip install cmaps
pip install geos
pip install pyproj
pip install h5py==2.10
conda install -c conda-forge basemap-data-hires=1.0.8.dev0
conda install -c conda-forge pygrib
Scripts in ./data/reanalysis_dataset/meta-data
and ./data/remote_sensing_dataset/meta-data
are prepared well for download data from NOAA/CIRES Twentieth Century Global Reanalysis Version 2c and Remote Sensing System. Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature (HadISST) can be downloaded from website.
python ./data/download_*_*.py
The archieved dataset is also in (not the latest!)
Firstly, use the following commands to parse and parpare training data.
python -m data.reanalysis_dataset.1_grib2npz
python -m data.reanalysis_dataset.2_interpolation
The output training data files are in ./data/reanalysis_dataset/final
Then, train the model:
python -m data.preprocess_reanalysis_transfer
python -m train.train_multi_gpus [or] python -m train.train_single_gpu
Firstly, use the following commands to parse and parpare training data.
python -m data.remote_sensing_dataset.1_byte2npz
python -m data.remote_sensing_dataset.2_nc2npz
python -m data.remote_sensing_dataset.3_crop_region_and_fill_land
The output training data files are in ./data/remote_sensing_dataset/final
Then, train the model:
python -m data.preprocess_remote_sensing
python -m train.train_multi_gpus [or] python -m train.train_single_gpu
Firstly, download the remote sensing data from the above wetsites and modify the ./data/remote_sensing_dataset/record.txt
to supplement the new data for data preprocessing, such as:
2022-1,2,3 # split months by ',' if more than one month
Secondly, prepare the new data:
python -m data.remote_sensing_dataset.1_byte2npz
python -m data.remote_sensing_dataset.2_nc2npz
python -m data.remote_sensing_dataset.3_crop_region_and_fill_land
Thirdly, fine-tune the trained model:
Finally, make forecasts for the future 18 months:
The forecast results will be recorded in ./result-{year}-{month}.csv