
The App is built with Python's django Framework, Javascript.VideoJS is used for Multimedia files.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CS50 Web Final-Project - Music, Video and Podcast Streaming Platform like YouTube

The App is built with Python's django Framework, Javascript.VideoJS,SqlLite3, CSS,Bootstrap,HTML,SVG,JQuery.The application is responsive.

#About The App

The website explores Django's ability to process multimedia files.

This is a free music streaming services with no monthly subscription fees.

The content is supported by advertising.users are able to upload their own content.The site admin also upload content.


There are three APPS

  1. Accounts

This is the user login/register and logout

  1. Entertainments

This is where the logic for allowing variety of media files to be uploaded and validation checks for file extention. Users can only see the ability to upload files if they are logged in. The user uploads get featured at the buttom of the main website.

3.Ads The Ads app contain the ability for the site owner to add slide shows into a home page and in community content video section.

There are are folders

A. iStream (name of the website) is the main application's folder that contains settings and main urls

B.media This is where all the files get stores from videos to podcast, audio etc. It has subfolders to specify the type of multimedia included.The application does have the file validations.You will see on the YouTube video and its embarrassing me there where it cant accept the image from Google. see... https://youtu.be/zvlyYOUlFmU


All the image files, and videos are there for demonstration and i do not promote them or own their material.

Youtube demonstration: https://youtu.be/zvlyYOUlFmU