
This is a Data Structures library for using various data structures easily in C++, built by me as a part of my C++ learning

Primary LanguageC++

Data Structures Library : STL-like C++ library for implementing various Data Structures

This library is created for using various Data Structures easily in C++.


  • Implements the resizable dynamic arrays.
  • Built on template classes, so can be used for any data type

How to use

  1. Place the files array.h and array.cpp inside the root folder of your project

  2. Example code to use Array:

    // main.cpp
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        Array<int> arr{5};
        cout << arr.getLength() <<endl;
        cout << arr.getSize() <<endl;
        cout << arr.get(5);
        cout << arr.set(1, 5);
  3. To compile and run the code, write in terminal:

    g++ main.cpp -o main && main.exe


The Array class maintains an array, with its 2 properties:- length and size.

size -> It is the maximum capacity of the array. When the maximum capacity is reached, the array class automatically resizes the array. By default, it's value is 10.

length -> It is the actual number of elements present in the array at any given time.

1. Constructors

  • Array() -> Initializes an array with length = 0 and size = 10.
  • Array(int size) -> Initializes an array with the given size.
  • Array(int size, T arr[]) -> Initializes an array with the given size and fills it with the given array.
  • Array(const Array<T>& array) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes the Array object by copying the array from the given Array object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)

  • void set(int index, T x) -> Sets the value x at the specified index of the array.

3. Accessors (Getter Methods)

  • T* getArray() const -> Returns the pointer to the complete array.
  • int getLength() const -> Returns the length of the array.
  • int getSize() const -> Returns the size (current maximum capacity) of the array.
  • T get(int index) const -> Returns the value at the specified index.

4. Facilitators

  • void display() const -> Prints space separated all the members of the array.
  • int append(T x) -> Appends the given element at the last of the array and returns the length of the new array.
  • void insert(int index, T x) -> Inserts the given element at the specified index in the array.
  • T del(int index) -> Deletes the element at the specified index from the array and returns the deleted element.
  • int remove(T x) -> Removes the given element from the array and returns the index on which it was previously present. Returns -1 if the element was not found.
  • T pop() -> Removes the last element from the array and returns the element popped out.
  • int search(T element, bool improvised=true) -> Performs the linear search for the element specified and returns the index of the element. If improvised is true, it will swap the found element with the previous elements of the array to improve the efficiency in the next search. To prevent it set improvised to false. By default, improvised is set to true.
  • int bin_search(T element) -> Performs binary search on the array for the specified value and returns the index of it. Time complexity is of O(logN).
  • T max() -> Returns the largest element of the array.
  • T min() -> Returns the smallest element of the array.
  • void reverse() -> Reverses the array.
  • void l_shift() -> Left shifts all the elements of the array, and the rightmost element becomes 0.
  • void r_shift() -> Right shifts all the elements of the array, and the leftmost element becomes 0.
  • void l_rotate() -> Rotates all the elements of the array to the left, so that the element which was previously the first element in the array, becomes the rightmost element after rotation.
  • void r_rotate() -> Rotates all the elements of the array to the right, so that the element which was previously the rightmost element in the array, becomes the first element after rotation.

5. Operator Overloads

  • Subscript Operator([]) -> Can be used to access and assign the value.
  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole array. Eg. cout << arr; output - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


  • Implements the different types of matrices.

How to use

  1. Place the files matrix.h and matrix.cpp inside the root folder of your project

  2. Example code to use Matrix:

    // main.cpp
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        Matrixx mat{5, 6};
        mat.set(1, 2, 3);
        mat.set(0, 4, 6);
        cout << mat.get(1, 2) <<endl;
        cout << mat.get(4, 5) <<endl;
        cout << mat;
  3. To compile and run the code, write in terminal:

    g++ main.cpp -o main && main.exe


The matrix.h header file contains one Virtual base class Matrix and various classes inheriting it.

As Matrix is a Virtual class, you cannot initialize it directly, you have to take the object of the classes inheriting from it.

Following are the classes inheriting it.

class Matrix

This is the base class for all classes in Matrix. This class is virtual so, cannot be instantiated

1. Accessors (Getter Functions)
  • virtual int at(int i, int j) const = 0 -> Pure Virtual Function. Returns the value at the ith, jth position of the matrix.
  • virtual int** get() const = 0 -> Pure Virtual Function. Returns the whole 2D array.
  • int getRows() const -> Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
  • int getCols() const -> Returns the columns of the matrix.
2. Mutators (Setter Functions)
  • virtual void set(int i, int j, int num) = 0 -> Pure Virtual Function. Sets the value at the ith, jth position of the matrix.

class Matrixx: public Matrix

This class is for using normal 2D arrays.

1. Constructors
  • Matrixx(int m, int n) -> Initializes an 2D array with the given dimensions m X n.

  • Matrixx(int m, int n, int* matrix) -> Initializes an 2D array with the given dimensions m X n and with the given 2D array. Eg:-

    int arr[][2] = {{1, 2}, {1, 2}};
    Matrixx M{2, 2, (int*)arr};
  • Matrixx(const Matrixx &mat) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes the Matrixx object by copying the 2D array from the given Matrixx object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)
  • void set(int i, int j, int num) -> Sets the value at the specified i and j of the 2D array.
3. Accessors (Getter Methods)
  • int** get() const -> Returns the pointer to the complete 2D array.
  • int at(int i, int j) const -> Returns the value at the specified i, j.
4. Operator Overloads
  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole 2D array. Eg. cout << matrix;, output :-

    1 2
    1 2

class DiagonalMatrix: public Matrix

This class if for using special type of Matrix - Diagonal Matrix.

Implements a Diagonal Matrix in a very space efficient manner by using 1D arrays for storing elements.

1. Constructors
  • DiagonalMatrix(int n, const int *diagonalElements) -> Initializes a n X n matrix with the given diagonal elements. Eg :-

    int diagonalElements[5] = {3, 7, 4, 9, 6};
    DiagonalMatrix M{5, diagonalElements};
  • DiagonalMatrix(const DiagonalMatrix& mat) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes a diagonal matrix by copying from the given DiagonalMatrix object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)
  • void set(int i, int j, int num) -> Sets the value at the specified i and j of the diagonal matrix.
3. Accessors (Getter Methods)
  • int** get() const -> Returns the pointer to the complete matrix.
  • int at(int i, int j) const -> Returns the value at the specified i, j.
4. Operator Overloads
  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole matrix. Eg. cout << matrix;, output :-

    1 0 0 0
    0 2 0 0
    0 0 5 0
    0 0 0 3

class LowerTriangularMatrix: public Matrix

Implements Lower Triangular Matrix in a space efficient manner.

1. Constructors
  • LowerTriangularMatrix(int n, const int *rowMajorElements) -> Initializes a n X n matrix with the given non-zero elements row by row. Eg :-

    int rowMajorElements[15] = {3, 7, 4, 9, 6, 5, 4, 7, 2, 1, 8, 4, 9, 3, 8};
    LowerTriangularMatrix M{5, diagonalElements};
  • LowerTriangularMatrix(const LowerTriangularMatrix& mat) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes a lower triangular matrix by copying from the given LowerTriangularMatrix object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)
  • void set(int i, int j, int num) -> Sets the value at the specified i and j of the lower triangular matrix.
3. Accessors (Getter Methods)
  • int** get() const -> Returns the pointer to the complete matrix.
  • int* getRepresentation() const -> Returns the 1D array of row major elements, in which the class is storing the non-zero elements of the matrix.
  • int at(int i, int j) const -> Returns the value at the specified i, j.
4. Operator Overloads
  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole matrix. Eg. cout << matrix;, output :-

    1 0 0 0
    3 2 0 0
    7 9 5 0
    6 3 2 3

class UpperTriangularMatrix: public Matrix

Implements Upper Triangular Matrix in a space efficient manner.

1. Constructors
  • UpperTriangularMatrix(int n, const int *rowMajorElements) -> Initializes a n X n matrix with the given non-zero elements row by row. Eg :-

    int rowMajorElements[15] = {3, 7, 4, 9, 6, 5, 4, 7, 2, 1, 8, 4, 9, 3, 8};
    UpperTriangularMatrix M{5, diagonalElements};
  • UpperTriangularMatrix(const UpperTriangularMatrix& mat) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes an upper triangular matrix by copying from the given UpperTriangularMatrix object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)
  • void set(int i, int j, int num) -> Sets the value at the specified i and j of the upper triangular matrix.
3. Accessors (Getter Methods)
  • int** get() const -> Returns the pointer to the complete matrix.
  • int* getRepresentation() const -> Returns the 1D array of row major elements, in which the class is storing the non-zero elements of the matrix.
  • int at(int i, int j) const -> Returns the value at the specified i, j.
4. Operator Overloads
  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole matrix. Eg. cout << matrix;, output :-

    1 4 3 8
    0 2 2 9
    0 0 5 7
    0 0 0 3

class SparseMatrix: public Matrix

Implements a Sparse Matrix in a very space efficient manner.

Uses another class SparseElement for implementing the matrix.

1. Constructors
  • SparseMatrix(int m, int n) -> Initializes a m X n matrix with all elements initialized from 0. Eg :- SparseMatrix S{8, 9};

  • SparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix& mat) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes a sparse matrix by copying from the given SparseMatrix object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)
  • void set(int i, int j, int x) -> Sets the value at the specified i and j of the matrix.
3. Accessors (Getter Methods)
  • int getSparseArrayLength() const -> Returns the length of the array in which the class is storing all non zero elements of the matrix.
  • int getSize() const -> Returns the current maximum size of the Sparse Array. This size is automatically increased when needed.
  • SparseElement *getSparseArray() const -> Returns the SparseArray which is the array of SparseElement objects.
  • int getSparseIndex(int i, int j) -> Returns the index on which the given element with i, j position is stored in the SparseArray. If it is not found -1 is returned;
  • int** get() const -> Returns the pointer to the complete matrix.
  • int at(int i, int j) const -> Returns the value at the specified i, j.
4. Facilitators
  • SparseMatrix* add(const SparseMatrix& s) const -> Adds the given SparseMatrix with the current SparseMatrix and returns a pointer to the new SparseMatrix object.
5. Operator Overloads
  • Addition Operator(+) -> For adding the two SparseMatrix. Eg. cout << S1 + S2;

  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole matrix. Eg. cout << matrix;, output :-

    1 0 0 0
    0 2 0 9
    0 0 0 0
    0 0 5 0


  • Implements the linked list.
  • Built on template classes, so can be used for any data type

How to use

  1. Place the files linked_list.h and linked_list.cpp inside the root folder of your project

  2. Example code to use LinkedList:

    // main.cpp
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        int arr[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        LinkedList<int> LL{5, arr};
        LL.insert(3, 8);
        cout << LL.size() <<endl;
        cout << LL[2];
        LL[2] = 10;
  3. To compile and run the code, write in terminal:

    g++ main.cpp -o main && main.exe


  • Implemention of Linked List in an efficient manner

1. Constructors

  • LinkedList() -> Initializes an empty linked list.
  • LinkedList(int n, const T arr[]) -> Initializes an linked list from the given array.

2. Accessors (Getter Methods)

  • int size() const -> Returns the length of the linked list.
  • T at(int index) const -> Returns the element at the specified index.

3. Mutators (Setter Methods)

  • void insert(int index, T data) -> Inserts the element at the specified index in the linked list.
  • T remove(int index) -> Removes the element at the specified index.
  • void prepend(T data) -> Inserts the given element at the begin of the linked list.
  • void append(T data) -> Appneds the given element at the end of the linked list.
  • T pop_front() -> Pops and returns the element from the beginning of the linked list.
  • T pop_back -> Pops and returns the element from the end of the linked list.

4. Facilitators

  • void display() const -> Prints space separated all the members of the linked list.
  • void reverse() -> Reverses the Linked List.
  • void concat(LinkedList& ll) -> Concatenates the given linked list at the end of the linked list.

5. Enquiry Functions

  • bool isEmpty() const -> Returns true if the linked list is empty.

5. Operator Overloads

  • Subscript Operator([]) -> Can be used to access and assign the value.
  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole linked list. Eg. cout << ll; output - 1 2 3 4 5


  • Implements the dynamic stack.
  • Built on template classes, so can be used for any data type

How to use

  1. Place the files stack.h and stack.cpp inside the root folder of your project

  2. Example code to use Stack:

    // main.cpp
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        Stack<int> st{5};
        cout << st.getSize() <<endl;
        cout << st.getCapacity() <<endl;
        cout << st;
  3. To compile and run the code, write in terminal:

    g++ main.cpp -o main && main.exe


The Stack class maintains an array, with its 3 properties:- size and capacity and the top pointer.

size -> It is the size of the stack, or the number of elements currently filled in the stack.

capacity -> It is the maximum number of elements it can hold presently. It is increased automatically as the user fills the stack. The default capacity is 10.

top pointer -> It is the pointer pointing to the top element of the stack.

1. Constructors

  • Stack() -> Initializes a stack.
  • Stack(int capacity) -> Initializes a stack with the given capacity.
  • Stack(int size, T arr[]) -> Initializes a stack with the given size and fills it with the given array.
  • Stack(int capacity, const LinkedList<T>& ll) -> Initializes the stack with the given capacity and fill the stack from the elements given in the LinkedList.
  • Stack(const Stack<T>& stack) -> Copy Constructor. Initializes the Stack object by copying the stack from the given Stack object.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)

  • T pop() const -> Removes the topmost element of the stack and returns the value.
  • void push(T ele) -> Pushes the given element at the top of the stack.

3. Accessors (Getter Methods)

  • T peek() const -> Returns the value of the topmost element of the stack.
  • int getSize() const -> Returns the current size of the stack.
  • int getCapacity() const -> Returns the current maximum capacity of the stack.

4. Enquiry Functions

  • bool isEmpty() const -> Returns wether the stack is empty or not.

5. Facilitators

  • void display() const -> Displays all the elements of the stack from top to bottom.

5. Operator Overloads

  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole stack from top to bottom.


  • Implements the QUEUE Data Structure.
  • Built on template classes, so can be used for any data type

How to use

  1. Place the files queue.h and queue.cpp inside the root folder of your project

  2. Example code to use Queue:

    // main.cpp
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        int arr[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
        Queue<int> q{5, arr};
        cout << "Front: " << q.getFront() << ", Rear: " << q.getRear() << ", Size: " << q.size() << endl << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << q.dequeue() << endl;
        cout << q;
  3. To compile and run the code, write in terminal:

    g++ main.cpp -o main && main.exe


The Queue class maintains a Queue, with its 2 properties:- front, rear and length.

front -> It is the pointer to the front node of the Queue.

rear -> It is the pointer to the last node of the Queue.

length -> It is the length of the Queue or the number of elements present inside the Queue.

1. Constructors

  • Queue() -> Initializes a Queue with front = NULL, rear = NULL and length = 0.
  • Queue(int length, T arr[]) -> Initializes a Queue with the given length and fills it with the given array.

2. Mutators (Setter Methods)

  • void enqueue(T data) -> Pushes the given element inside the Queue.
  • T dequeue() -> Pop out and return the first element of the Queue according to the FIFO (First In First Out) rule.

3. Accessors (Getter Methods)

  • int size() const -> Returns the length of the Queue.
  • int getFront() const -> Returns the value of the Front Node.
  • T getRear() const -> Returns the value of the Rear Node.

4. Facilitators

  • void display() const -> Prints space separated all the members of the Queue.

5. Enquiry Functions

  • bool isEmpty() const -> Returns true if the Queue is Empty.

6. Operator Overloads

  • Insertion Operator(<<) -> For printing the whole Queue. Eg. cout << q; output - 1 2 3 4 5

Binary Tree

  • Implements the Binary Tree Data Structure.
  • Built on template classes, so can be used for any data type

How to use

  1. Place the files queue.h and queue.cpp inside the root folder of your project

  2. Example code to use Queue:

    // main.cpp
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n6{8};
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n7{9};
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n3{3, &n6, &n7};
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n4{2};
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n5{1};
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n2{4, &n4, &n5};
        bin_tree_node::Node<int> n1{5, &n1, &n2};
        BinTree<int> tree{&n1};
        cout << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << endl;
  3. To compile and run the code, write in terminal:

    g++ main.cpp -o main && main.exe


The Binary Tree implements a binary tree with the help of 1 Class and 1 Struct:- class BinTree and struct node_bin_tree::Node.

The single nodes of BinTree class are based on the struct bin_tree_node::Node<T> .

struct bin_tree_node::Node<T>

1. Properties
  • T data -> data of the node
  • struct Node<T>* lchild -> Pointer to the left child.
  • struct Node<T>* rchild -> Pointer to the right child.
2. Constructor
  • Node(T data=static_cast<T>(0), stuct Node<T> *lchild=NULL, stuct Node<T>* rchild=NULL) -> Initialises a new node with given data, left child, and right child.

class BinTree

1. Constructors
  • BinTree() -> Initializes an empty Binary Tree.
  • BinTree(T root_val) -> Initializes a Binary Tree with the given data value of root node.
  • BinTree(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) -> Initializes a Binary Tree with the given root node.
  • BinTree(BinTree<T>& bin_tree) -> Clones a previously present binary tree.
2. Mutators (Setter Methods)
  • createTreeFromUserInput() -> Destroys the current Binary Tree and creates new binary tree by taking input from the user. NOTE: - You can give -1 as input whereever you don't want a child Node.
  • destroyCurrentBinaryTree() -> Destroys current Binary Tree and set root node to NULL.
  • destroyCurrentBinaryTree(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) -> Destroys the binary tree starting from the given node.
3. Accessors (Getter Methods)
  • T* preorder() const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Preorder sequence.
  • T* preorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Preorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • T* inorder() const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Inorder sequence.
  • T* inorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Inorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • T* postorder() const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Postorder sequence.
  • T* postorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Postorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • T* levelorder() const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Levelorder sequence.
  • T* levelorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Returns an array filled with the elements of binary tree in Levelorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • bin_tree_node::Node<T>* getRootNode() const -> Returns the root node.
  • int height() const -> Returns the height of the binary tree.
  • int height(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Returns the height of the binary tree starting from the given node.
  • int nodesCount() const -> Returns the number of nodes present in the tree.
  • int nodesCount(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Returns the number of nodes present in the tree starting from the given node.
4. Facilitators
  • void displayAsPreorder() const -> Displays the tree in the Preorder sequence.
  • void displayAsPreorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Displays the tree in the Preorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • void displayAsPostorder() const -> Displays the tree in the Postorder sequence.
  • void displayAsPostorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Displays the tree in the Postorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • void displayAsInorder() const -> Displays the tree in the Inorder sequence.
  • void displayAsPreorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Displays the tree in the Inorder sequence starting from the given node.
  • void displayAsLevelorder() const -> Displays the tree in the Levelorder sequence.
  • void displayAsLevelorder(bin_tree_node::Node<T>* root) const -> Displays the tree in the Levelorder sequence starting from the given node.
5. Enquiry Functions
  • bool isEmpty() const -> Returns true if the binary tree is Empty or root is NULL.