

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT




The realization principle of cyclic rolling

collectionView has 2 sections

start --> indexPath(0, 0) --> indexPath(1, 0) --> indexPath(2, 0) --> ... --> indexPath(n-1, 0) --> indexPath(0, 1) --> indexPath(1, 0)--> indexPath(2, 0)


image & gif:

1.How to use MMAdvertScrollView

  • Installation with CocoaPods:pod 'MMAdvertScrollView', '~> 1.2.1'
 var timeInterval: TimeInterval = 3.0 // 滚动间隔默认为3秒
 var scrollDirection: UICollectionView.ScrollDirection = .vertical //默认滚动方向为竖向

You can use like this

 let m1 = MMAdvertScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 135, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width, height: 40))
 m1.dataArray = ["恭喜xx,完成了数据管理能力测评。" ,"恭喜xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,完成实名认证。"]

2.This framework supports custom views

public protocol MMAdvertScrollCustomerViewDelegate: AnyObject{

    func customerViewDataArrayCount() -> Int
    func customViewConfigure(numberOfItems item: Int, cycleView view: MMAdvertScrollView) -> UIView
    func collectionView(_ cycleView: MMAdvertScrollView, didSelectItemAt indexItem: Int) 

you can refer to CustomerView

extension CustomerView: MMAdvertScrollCustomerViewDelegate {
    func customViewConfigure(numberOfItems item: Int, cycleView view: MMAdvertScrollView) -> UIView {
        let view = VipView()
        view.title = dataArray[item]
        return view

    func customerViewDataArrayCount() -> Int {
        return dataArray.count


  • ARC
  • iOS>=11.0

If you have any questions

If you have any questions, you can email to me:171364980@qq.com