
简单修改原 Greyshade 主题使支持新浪微博、Dribbble 等社交网站。

Primary LanguageCSS



增加了新浪微博和 Dribbble 连接的支持



编辑你的 _config.yml,加入以下两行

weibo_user: a11en # 注:新浪微博自定义网址中用户名部分或数字 ID,不是昵称
dribbble_user: allenhsu



$ git clone git@github.com:allenhsu/greyshade.git .themes/greyshade
$ echo "\$greyshade: color;" >> sass/custom/_colors.scss //Substitue 'color' with your highlight color
$ rake "install[greyshade]"
$ rake generate



I've added support for Weibo and Dribbble in social links part.



Just add following two value in your _config.yml

weibo_user: a11en # Your weibo id (NOT DISPLAY NICKNAME)
dribbble_user: allenhsu


Type the code below in terminal.

$ git clone git@github.com:allenhsu/greyshade.git .themes/greyshade
$ echo "\$greyshade: color;" >> sass/custom/_colors.scss //Substitue 'color' with your highlight color
$ rake "install[greyshade]"
$ rake generate


Greyshade is a minimal, responsive theme for Octopress. From Shashank Mehta, based on Slash



MIT: http://sm.mit-license.org