Learn to analyze the hotel booking data to investigate cancellations and their underlying patterns by addressing key questions with MS Excel and suggest measures that can be implemented to reduce cancellations and secure revenue by preparing a visually appealing dashboard.
Collected hotel booking dataset and imported it into MS Excel using Power Query for EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis). We can find the Excel file in my project repo
as "Hotel_Booking"
Check the different columns and rows of the dataset to see whether there are some inconsistent data or anomalies (outliers, missing values) and redundant (duplicate) values. If there
is, replace and remove them for more accurate and efficient results after analysis.
After data cleaning, we will process or transform the data according to the data analysis requirements (which will help to analyze the data later on).
We will analyze our dataset by solving all the key sample questions. I will provide all the key questions that I used in my project repo as "Key Questions"
This is the last step where we will present a report to the Hotel management team by creating a visually appealing dashboard, in our case we present a Hotel Booking Cancellations
report after analyzing the dataset with the help of pivot tables and charts. We will also provide some crucial insights, which will help the hotel owner to set up a robust
cancellation policy to mitigate the last-minute cancellations of bookings and make a stable and healthy revenue.