A ComputerCraft Emulator for the Terminal
- LuaJIT with Lua 5.2 compatibility or Lua 5.2 or 5.3 (only works for CC 1.74 and above)
- Penlight
- luv
- terminfo (except on LuaJIT)
- luaposix
- nn (only for nanomsg-modem)
- utf8 (for LuaJIT, Lua 5.1 or Lua 5.2)
This version has been cursorily tested with:
- 1.78
- 1.77
- 1.74
- 1.74pr17
- 1.74pr16
- 1.74pr14 (some terminal bugs)
- 1.74pr13 (some terminal bugs)
- 1.73 (some terminal bugs)
- 1.64 (some terminal bugs)
- 1.6 (some terminal bugs)
- 1.58
- 1.5
- 1.41
Install the dependencies (I used luaenv and luarocks to do so)
Put ComputerCraft's lua files in cc
(I cloned alekso56/ComputercraftLua, you could also download the tarball or extract them (from the ComputerCraft jar) yourself).
Your directory structure should now look something like below
├── cc
│ ├── bios.lua
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── rom
│ └── treasure
├── cli.lua
├── emu.lua
├── LICENSE.txt
└── README.md
lua cli.lua <directory> <args>
- Start a computer in directory (args is passed to bios.lua
If you want to use left control you can instead press Ctrl-Shift-tilde
(this might be broken on other terminal emulators, tested on st and xterm).