Agora ReactNative Quickstart
其他语言版本: 简体中文
This tutorial describes how to create an Agora account and build a sample app with Agora using React Native.
The React Native SDK source can be found here, checkout here for the full API Reference.
- Developer Account
- react-native 0.59.10
- nodejs lts
- iOS & Android sdk
- real mobile phone
Quick Start
This repository shows you how to use Agora React Native SDK to build a simple video call app. It demonstrates you how to:
- Join / leave a channel
- Mute / unmute audio
- Switch camera views
- Layout multiple video views
Create an Account and Obtain an App ID
To build and run the sample application, first obtain an app ID:
- Create a developer account at Once you finish the sign-up process, you are redirected to the dashboard.
- Navigate in the dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
- Copy the app ID that you obtain from the dashboard into a text file. You will use this when you launch the app.
Update and Run the Sample Application
Open the settings.js file and add the app ID.
const APPID = "";
Step 1. install node dependencies & link native modules
Run the below commands in this project directory:
npm install
react-native link react-native-agora
react-native link react-navigation
react-native link react-native-gesture-handler
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
Step 2. start react native package server
Once the build is complete, run the run
command to start the package server.
# start app
npm run start
Step 3. run in native platform
android platform:
react-native run-android
ios platform:
cd ios; pod install
open ios/AgoraRNQuickStart.xcworkspace
open in xcode- xcode build
- Complete API documentation at the Developer Center
- File bugs about this sample
- React Native Getting Started
This software is under the MIT License (MIT).