Source for Python Mentorship program.
For all details of the Python Mentorship 2.0 program please visit:
Python Mentorship 2.0 is a mentorship program for Python beginners and it’s free. During the mentorship process I will be guiding Python newbies through Python learning process by following steps:
- Explaining important Python programming topics and referencing sources where you can get advanced information
- Giving assignments and showing examples
- Checking completed assignments and doing a code review
Introduction videos:
Currently, we have following assignments:
- Assignment1 - web and commandline calculator application
- Assignment2 - setup Django 2 project with back-end, front-end, Docker/Docker Compose and custom user model
Now, more detailed:
More information & Discussions: #2
- cmd calculator app
- flask calculator app
Solved by: @mirpulatov, @Jlopezjlx, @Prrrince, @HelSirius
More information & Discussions: #7
- setup a Django project
- create a custom user model
- use Docer and Docker Compose
- Django Web Framework: How to Setup Django 2.1 and Python 3 Example Project Structure with GitHub
- Introduction & Custom User Model
- Setup URLs, templates and HTML views for Account application