Restaurant Application by K&Ł Group

Link to the newest version:



  • Kamil Zasada
  • Łukasz Żurawski


  • Mateusz Wyborski
  • Joanna Czyżewska
  • Rafał Pryma
  • Ewelina Mężyk
  • Donata Bruderek

Table of Contents

General Information

We're proud to let you know that together we've finished working on our app for an Italian restaurant owner! As you know nowadays, without a website, it is very difficult to advertise a restaurant and to expand its reach and gain new customers. That is why we are facing these problems with an application that is designed to show an offer of an Italian restaurant and provide all the information needed to reach and visit it.

In addition, it allows the restaurant owner to freely edit the displayed content of the restaurant menu and add new users who can help him in the process of maintaining the site!


This project was executed using the following technologies:

  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Figma
  • Firebase
  • GIT
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • CSS module


Link to Figma page:


To be able to run our project locally, you need to have installed npm package manager If you do not know if you have it installed on your computer and you still want to run our project follow these steps:

Windows command prompt/Linux bash

Run npm -v
  • If you received a number like 'x.x.x' you already have installed npm package manager *on your computer
  • *Otherwise, you will have to install it, the best way to do it is installing it globaly by running the command npm install npm@latest -g*
  • After that you can run again the command from the first line just to confirm that you have succesfully installed required package manager


npm install
  • Start local server:
npm start
  • Run tests:
npm test