Code Like Her Fellowship

Here is the list of assignments I did during the fellowship:


  1. Design Thinking
  2. Newspaper Layout Demo
  3. Email Template Demo
  4. Understanding Float and Clear Demo
  5. Responsive Lemburs Website Demo
  6. Design Final Project Demo


  1. Ability Test
  2. String Manipulation
  3. Arrays
  4. Basic JavaScript
  5. Array Iterations
  6. Password field using DOM Demo
  7. Balloon Generater Demo
  8. Form Validator Demo
  9. Hangman Demo
  10. Ball Animation Demo
  11. Multiple Ball Bounce using OOP Demo
  12. Expense Tracker Demo
  13. Infinite Scroll Blog Demo


  1. Http Server
  2. File Server
  3. Express Intro
  4. Using Middlewares
  5. Basic CRUD Operations
  6. diskDB CRUD Operations
  7. Proper Folder Structure
  8. Stocks API
