
A React toolkit for graph analysis based on G6

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Graphin means Graph Insight (analysis of graphs). It is a library based on G6 and React and offers graph analysis ability out of the box. Graphin's logo is graphene, which means the potential of the future.

For more infomation, please check the Graphin Website.


Graphin use lerna to manage this repo. This repo contains the following packages:


Please checkout the specific package:

Package Name Description
@antv/graphin Core React component of Graphin
@antv/graphin-components Graphin components
@antv/graphin-icons Graphin official icons
@antv/graphin-site Graphin documentation website
graphin-studio A Graphin demo: generic graph analysis workbench based on Graphin

Graphin Quick Start

Graphin 2.0 组件文档:https://antv.vision/graphin-docs/


npm install --save @antv/graphin


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Graphin, { Utils } from '@antv/graphin';

import './styles.css';

const App = () => {
  const data = Utils.mock(10).graphin();
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Graphin data={data} />

const rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

Graphin and G6 compatible table

Graphin Version G6 Version graphin-components antd Version
before 1.0.1 3.1.9 3.24.3
^1.0.2 ^3.2.0 3.24.3
^1.0.5 ^3.3.0 3.24.3
^1.1.0 ^3.4.0 4.0.3

Upgrade Guidelines

From V1 to V2

Compared with version 1.0, 2.0 has fully supported and upgraded the capabilities of G6: registration mechanism, layout mechanism, element styles, etc. are consistent with G6, support tree diagrams, and better componentization solutions

layout layout

-The configuration is consistent with the G6 layout, so you can use G6 Layout Configuration -Usage is consistent with G6 layout, layout.options needs to be deconstructed

<Graphin data={data} layout={{ name:'grid', options: options }} />
<Graphin data={data} layout={{ name:'grid', ...options }} />

data data

  • Network graph data: The data structure of Graphin2.0 remains unchanged, but the data content has undergone some changes. New status fields and style fields are added to facilitate business processing. For details, see:
  • Tree graph data: Graphin2.0 supports tree graphs. If the data structure is tree, TreeGraph will be rendered internally
const data = {
  nodes: [
      id: 'node-1',
      // style field
      style: {
        label: {
          value: 'node-1-label',
      // status field
      status: {
        selected: true,

<Graphin data={data} />;


Interactive behaviors, previously needed to be introduced in G6 through modes, support componentized introduction in Graphin, and support component attribute configuration to complete data drive. When upgrading the V2 version, there is no need to perceive this


The extend interface is completely removed from Graphin. Previously, nodeShape, icon, layout can be implemented through the Graphin.register interface. extend.marker completely removed

  • Expand node
// v1
<Graphin extend={{ nodeShape: renderNodeShape }} />;

// v2
  • Extend layout
// layout
<Graphin extend={{ nodeShape: customLayout }} />;

// v2
  • Extend icon
// layout
<Graphin extend={{ icon: customIconFunction }} />;

// v2
Graphin.reigsterFontFamily(iconloader); // View details Custom icon
  • Extend marker (completely removed)


Fully consistent with G6 registration mechanism

// Register the node, refer to https://g6.antv.vision/zh/docs/api/registerItem#g6registernodenodename-options-extendednodename for details

// Register edge, refer to https://g6.antv.vision/zh/docs/api/registerItem#g6registeredgeedgename-options-extendededgename for details

// Register Combo, refer to https://g6.antv.vision/zh/docs/api/registerItem#g6registercombocomboname-options-extendedcomboname for details

// Register layout, please refer to https://g6.antv.vision/zh/docs/api/registerLayout#g6registerlayoutlayoutname-layout

// Registration behavior, refer to https://g6.antv.vision/zh/docs/api/Behavior for details

Develop Graphin

  • Set up npmClient

Set your npmClient in lerna.json, friends in China can set cnpm

// ./lerna.json
  "packages": ["packages/*"],
  "npmClient": "cnpm",
  "version": "0.0.0"
  • Installation dependencies

Install node_modules in the project root directory

cnpm i
  • Install the dependencies of each package

In the root directory of the project, start lerna's bootstrap, lerna automatically installs the dependencies of each package, after installation, you can find that each package has its own node_modules

npm run bootstrap
  • Start local compilation of graphin, graphin-components, graphin-icons

You can cd to graphin, graphin-components, graphin-icons in pacakges to start the script command npm run start in each package.json.

Note ⚠️ Because each package in the packages has a dependency relationship, for example, graphin-components depends on the packaged product of graphin, and the speed of package startup is different, so we need to start the graphin package first, and then start packages/graphin-components. Startup is complete Later, you can also restart the ts compiler in vscode to ensure that each dependency ts can be inferred and found

npm run start
  • Launch Graphin Dumi development document

dumi is a doc tool can assist you to develop libraries & write docs. very easy to use, so we can start dumi to view our development documents.

Return to the root directory of the project, start npm run docs, you can see

npm run docs
  • Launch Graphin official site
cd packages/graphin-site
npm run site

More Info


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