
Primary LanguagePython

Directed Weighted Graph - Python

Authors: Tzach Itshak Ofir and Gal Braymok


In this project we applied graphs in the Python language.

The project includes the implementation of two interfaces:


Implemented by DiGraph class. This interface is responsible for the structure of the graph and many operations.


Implemented by GraphAlgo class. In this class there are various algorithms that can be applied on graphs


Node - represents the set of operations applicable on a node (vertex) in a (directional) weighted graph.


  • v_size - Returns the number of vertices in this graph.

  • e_size - Returns the number of edges in this graph.

  • get_all_v - Return a dictionary of all the nodes in the Graph, each node is represented using a pair (node_id, node_data).

  • all_in_edges_of_node - Return a dictionary of all the nodes connected to (into) node_id , each node is represented using a pair (other_node_id, weight).

  • all_out_edges_of_node - Return a dictionary of all the nodes connected from id1, each node is represented using a pair (other_node_id, weight)

  • get_mc - Returns the current version of this graph, on every change in the graph state - the MC should be increased.

  • add_edge - Adds an edge to the graph (if the edge already exists or one of the nodes dose not exists the functions will do nothing).

  • add_node - Adds a node to the graph (if the node id already exists the node will not be added).

  • remove_node - Removes a node from the graph (if the node id does not exists the function will do nothing).

  • remove_edge - Removes an edge from the graph (If such an edge does not exists the function will do nothing).

  • find_edge - Finds the index of the first occurence of an edge.

  • is_node_exist - Determines if a node exists in the graph.

  • is_in_edge - Determines if a node is one of an edge's vertices.

  • get_all_edges - Gets all the graph's edges.

  • get_nodes - Gets all the graph's nodes.

  • get_transpose - Gets the transpose of the graph. i.e, the original graph who's all its edges are inverted.


  • get_graph - Return the directed graph on which the algorithm works on.

  • load_from_json - Loads a graph from a json file.

  • save_to_json - Saves a graph from a json file.

  • shortest_path - Returns the shortest path from node id1 to node id2 using Dijkstra's Algorithm.

  • connected_component - Finds the Strongly Connected Component(SCC) that node id1 is a part of.

  • connected_components - Finds all the Strongly Connected Component(SCC) in the graph.

  • plot_graph - Plots the graph. If the nodes have a position, the nodes will be placed there. Otherwise, they will be placed in a random but elegant manner.

Test Times

Python NetworkX Java


0.00099 0.0 0.01094


0.0 0.0 0.01722


0.25981 0.15708 -----------