
cross-platform coroutine library in c++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Cross-platform coroutine library in C++ .



Release Code size Repo size CI build status Coveralls coverage Language grade: C/C++ Forks Stars

CI Job Matrix

Target System Toolchain Note
Linux GCC Static linking
Linux GCC Dynamic linking
Linux GCC-latest  
Linux GCC-latest No Exception
Linux GCC-latest Thread Unsafe
Linux GCC 4.8 Legacy
Linux Clang-latest With libc++
MinGW64 GCC Dynamic linking
Windows Visual Studio 2019 Static linking
Windows Visual Studio 2019 Dynamic linking
Windows Visual Studio 2017 Legacy,Static linking
macOS AppleClang With libc++


License under the MIT LICENSE


Documents can be found at https://libcopp.atframe.work , API references canbe found at https://libcopp.atframe.work/doxygen/html/ .(Generated by sphinx and doxygen with docs/sphinx and docs/libcopp.doxyfile.in).

UPGRADE FROM 1.3.X-1.4.X to 2.X

  • Add using value_type = int; into T when using cotask::task<T>.
  • Rename stack_allocator_t to stack_allocator_type in T when using cotask::task<T>.
  • Rename coroutine_t to coroutine_type in T when using cotask::task<T>.
  • Rename libcopp::util::* to copp::util::.
  • We are not allowed to use libcopp::util::intrusive_ptr<cotask::impl::task_impl> now, please use cotask::task<T>::ptr_type instead.

UPGRADE FROM 1.2.X to 1.3.X-1.4.X

  • Rename cotask::task::await into cotask::task::await_task
  • Replace cotask::task<TCO_MACRO, TTASK_MACRO> with cotask::task<TCO_MACRO> , we don't allow to custom id allocator now.
  • Replace cotask::core::standard_int_id_allocator<uint64_t> with copp::util::uint64_id_allocator , we don't allow to custom id allocator now.
  • Require gcc 4.8+, MSVC 15+(Visual Studio 2017)>)
  • Require cmake 3.12.0 or upper


libcopp use cmake to generate makefile and switch build tools.


  • [required] GCC or Clang or MSVC or clang-cl support ISO C++ 11 and upper
  • [required] cmake 3.16.0 and upper
  • [optional] gtest 1.6.0 and upper (Better unit test supported)
  • [optional] Boost.Test (Boost.Test supported)


  • [required] ar, as, ld (binutils) or llvm
  • [optional] if using gtest , pthread is required.


  • [required] masm (in MSVC)
  • [optional] if using gtest, pthread is required.

Install with vcpkg

  1. Clone and setup vcpkg (See more detail on https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg)
    git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
    cd vcpkg
    PS> bootstrap-vcpkg.bootstrap
    Linux:~/$ ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh
  2. Install libcopp
    PS> .\vcpkg install libcopp [--triplet x64-windows-static/x64-windows/x64-windows-static-md and etc...]
    Linux:~/$ ./vcpkg install libcopp
  3. See :ref:`using with cmake <usage-using with-cmake>` for cmake below.

Custom Build

  1. Clone and make a build directory
    git clone --single-branch --depth=1 -b master https://github.com/owent/libcopp.git
    mkdir libcopp/build && cd libcopp/build
  2. Run cmake command
    # cmake <libcopp dir> [options...]
  3. Make libcopp
    cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo # or make [options] when using Makefile
  4. Run test/sample/benchmark [optional]
    # Run test => Required: PROJECT_ENABLE_UNITTEST=YES
    ctest -VV . -C RelWithDebInfo -L libcopp.unit_test
    # Run sample => Required: PROJECT_ENABLE_SAMPLE=YES
    ctest -VV . -C RelWithDebInfo -L libcopp.sample
    # Run benchmark => Required: PROJECT_ENABLE_SAMPLE=YES
    ctest -VV . -C RelWithDebInfo -L libcopp.benchmark
  5. Install [optional]
    cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target install # or make install when using Makefile
  6. Then just include and link libcopp.*/libcotask.*, or see :ref:`using with cmake <usage-using with-cmake>` for cmake below.

CMake Options

Options can be cmake options. such as set compile toolchains, source directory or options of libcopp that control build actions. libcopp options are listed below:

Option Description
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=YES|NO [default=NO] Build dynamic library.
LIBCOPP_ENABLE_SEGMENTED_STACKS=YES|NO [default=NO] Enable split stack supported context.(it's only availabe in linux and gcc 4.7.0 or upper)
LIBCOPP_ENABLE_VALGRIND=YES|NO [default=YES] Enable valgrind supported context.
PROJECT_ENABLE_UNITTEST=YES|NO [default=NO] Build unit test.
PROJECT_ENABLE_SAMPLE=YES|NO [default=NO] Build samples.
LIBCOPP_LOCK_DISABLE_THIS_MT=YES|NO [default=NO] Disable multi-thread support for copp::this_coroutine and cotask::this_task.
LIBCOPP_DISABLE_ATOMIC_LOCK=YES|NO [default=NO] Disable multi-thread support.
LIBCOTASK_ENABLE=YES|NO [default=YES] Enable build libcotask.
LIBCOPP_FCONTEXT_USE_TSX=YES|NO [default=YES] Enable Intel Transactional Synchronisation Extensions (TSX).
GTEST_ROOT=[path] set gtest library install prefix path
BOOST_ROOT=[path] set Boost.Test library install prefix path


Using with cmake

  1. Using set(Libcopp_ROOT <where to find libcopp/INSTALL_PREFIX>)
  2. Just using find_package(Libcopp) to use libcopp module.
  3. Example:(we assume the target name is stored in ${CUSTOM_TARGET_NAME})
find_package(Libcopp CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${CUSTOM_TARGET_NAME} libcopp::cotask)
# Or just using copp by target_link_libraries(${CUSTOM_TARGET_NAME} libcopp::copp)

If using MSVC and vcpkg, CRT must match the triplet of vcpkg, these codes below may be helpful:

    if (VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES "^.*windows-static$")
        set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>" CACHE STRING "")
    else ()
        set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>DLL" CACHE STRING "")
    endif ()
endif ()

See more detail on https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/libcopp .

Directly use headers and libraries

Just include headers and linking library file of your platform to use libcopp.


# Example command for build sample with gcc 4.9 or upper on Linux
for source in sample_readme_*.cpp; do
    g++ -std=c++14 -O2 -g -ggdb -Wall -Werror -fPIC -rdynamic -fdiagnostics-color=auto -Wno-unused-local-typedefs \
        -I$LIBCOPP_PREFIX/include -L$LIBCOPP_PREFIX/lib64 -lcopp -lcotask $source -o $source.exe;

# Example command for build sample with clang 3.9 or upper and libc++ on Linux
for source in sample_readme_*.cpp; do
    clang++ -std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ -O2 -g -ggdb -Wall -Werror -fPIC -rdynamic        \
        -I$LIBCOPP_PREFIX/include -L$LIBCOPP_PREFIX/lib64 -lcopp -lcotask -lc++ -lc++abi  \
        $source -o $source.exe;

# AppleClang on macOS just like those scripts upper.
# If you are using MinGW on Windows, it's better to add -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc to
#     use static linking and other scripts are just like those on Linux.
# Example command for build sample with MSVC 1914 or upper on Windows & powershell(Debug Mode /MDd)
foreach ($source in Get-ChildItem -File -Name .\sample_readme_*.cpp) {
    cl /nologo /MP /W4 /wd"4100" /wd"4125" /EHsc /std:c++17 /Zc:__cplusplus /O2 /MDd /I$LIBCOPP_PREFIX/include $LIBCOPP_PREFIX/lib64/copp.lib $LIBCOPP_PREFIX/lib64/cotask.lib $source

Get Start & Example

There serveral samples to use copp::coroutine_contextcopp::coroutine_context_fiber and cotask::task :

  1. Using coroutine context
  2. Using coroutine task
  3. Using coroutine task manager
  4. Using stack pool
  5. Using task::then or task::await_task
  6. Using copp::callable_promise of c++20 coroutine
  7. Using copp::generator_future for c++20 coroutine
  8. Custom error (timeout for example) when using c++20 coroutine
  9. Let c++20 coroutine work with cotask::task
  10. Using Windows fiber and SetUnhandledExceptionFilter on Windows with cotask::task

All sample codes can be found on :ref:`EXAMPLES <examples_doc_anchor>` and sample .


Split stack support: if in Linux and user gcc 4.7.0 or upper, add -DLIBCOPP_ENABLE_SEGMENTED_STACKS=YES to use split stack supported context.

It's recommanded to use stack pool instead of gcc splited stack.


Please see CI output for latest benchmark report. Click to visit Github Actions .


Q: How to enable c++20 coroutine

ANS: Add /std:c++latest /await for MSVC or -std=c++20 -fcoroutines-ts -stdlib=libc++ for clang or -std=c++20 -fcoroutines for gcc.

If you are using clang 14 or above, just use -std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++.Or if you are using MSVC 1932 or above, just use /std:c++latest.

Q: Will libcopp handle exception?

ANS: When using c++11 or above, libcopp will catch all unhandled exception and rethrow it after coroutine resumed.

Q: Why SetUnhandledExceptionFilter can not catch the unhandled exception in a coroutine?

ANS: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter only works with Windows Fiber, please see sample/sample_readme_11.cpp for details.


If you has any question, please create a issue and provide the information of your environments. For example:

  • OS: Windows 10 Pro 19041 (This can be see after running ``msinfo32``) / Manjaro(Arch) Linux Linux 5.4.39-1-MANJARO
  • Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 C++ 16.5.5 with VS 2019 C++ v14.25 or MSVC 1925/ gcc 9.3.0
  • Compile Commands: cmake --build . -j
  • Related Environment Variables: Please provide all the environment variables which will change the cmake toolchain, CCCXXAR and etc.