
Medical PPG Testbed Firmware

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bloodlight Firmware

This repository contains firmware for the Bloodlight Medical Plethysmograph (PPG) testbed hardware. It is a libopencm3 based project.

The aim of the project is to provide a testbed for researching what sort of information can be obtained with different wavelengths of light for heart rate monitors and photoplethysmography devices.

The open-source hardware is available in the bloodlight-hardware repository.


The tools depend on libfftw3, on ubuntu or debian, install as follows:

sudo apt install libfftw3-dev


First, ensure you have the libopencm3 submodule:

git submodule init
git submodule update

And build it:

make -C firmware/libopencm3/

Now you can build the bloodlight-firmware.elf:

make -C firmware/

To build for REVISION 2 or later, simply prepend REVISION=x:

REVISION=2 make -C firmware/

And the Bloodlight host tools:

make -C host/

To run the Bloodview live-view, run:

make -BC host/ run

Or to run with with a default config for a paticular hardware revision:

make -BC host/ run BV_ARGS="-c rev1-default.yaml"
make -BC host/ run BV_ARGS="-c rev2-default.yaml"

Pass -d to automatically select the correct default config for the device:

make -BC host/ run BV_ARGS="-d"

Or use the rund target as a shorthand:

make -BC host/ rund

More information can be found in the Bloodview documentation.


There are various ways to install the firmware onto the device. Here we will cover using OpenOCD with gdb-multiarch, using a Nucleo-F303ZE board or the STLINK-V3SET to provide the ST-LINK interface.

Note: If you are using the STLINK-V3SET, you may need to build OpenOCD from source, configured with --enable-stlink.

Hardware setup

  1. Consult the UM1974 datasheet. The pin connections for STLINK-V3 are similar, but with slightly different name.

  2. Locate the ST-LINK jumper pins on the programmer boards and make sure they are open. See Figure 10: Using ST-LINK/V2-1 to program the STM32 on an external application in UM1974.

  3. Connect the SWD pins on the Nucleo board to the pins on the bloodlight board. The pins on the bloodlight board are named on the board. For the Nucleo board, check see Table 5. Debug connector CN6 (SWD). There is a small dot at one end of the SWD connector which marks pin 1.

    Nucleo board STLINK-V3 Bloodlight
  4. Connect both the programmer and the bloodlight boards to your computer using micro-USB cables as both require power to function. The order in which they're connected doesn't matter.


To simply flash the board, run:

sudo make -C firmware/ flash

Note: If you can't find this file, it's available in the openOCD source repo

For debugging or development, you can instead do the following:

First run OpenOCD with an appropriate config:

openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f3.cfg

With that running, in another terminal, run:

gdb-multiarch bloodlight-firmware.elf

At the GDB command prompt connect to the OpenOCD interface to the device:

(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:3333

Reset the device and load on the firmware:

(gdb) monitor reset halt
(gdb) load

Now the device is flashed with the bloodlight-firmware.elf firmware.

You can run GDB, instruct it to connect to the debugger, reset the device, and load the new firmware in one command with:

gdb-multiarch \
        -ex 'target extended-remote localhost:3333' \
        -ex 'monitor reset halt' \
        -ex 'load' \

Run the firmware with:

(gdb) c

You are now ready to use the device.


  • Problem: running openocd results in Error: open failed with no explanation.

    Solution: Check that your debugger is connected to your computer and that the cable supports USB data, not just power.

  • Problem: running openocd results in Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS.

    Solution: run openocd as root.

  • Problem: Running openocd results in Error: init mode failed (unable to connect to the target)

    Solution: ensure the bloodlight board is powered.

  • Problem: Running make flash results in make: *** [rules.mk:156: bloodlight-firmware.flash] Error 1

    Solution: run with make V=1 for more useful error messages.

Using the device

With the device flashed, we can plug it into the host and see what happens. Connect the Bloodlight device's Micro-USB port to the host system.

If you follow dmesg on the host with:

dmesg -w

You should see the Bloodlight device enumerate when it gets plugged into the host USB:

[877656.001199] usb 1-1: Product: Bloodlight
[877656.001202] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Codethink
[877656.001204] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: ct-bloodlight:000000
[877656.004648] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM2: USB ACM device

Take note of the ttyACM2 if you want to manually provide the device name later in the command. The 2 might not be a 2 in your case, and we need to know this in order to communicate with the device.

The device comes up as a Communications Device Class (CDC) device. It is controlled by sending messages to it over a USB serial connection.

The message protocol is defined in common/msg.h.

To control the device, either use Bloodview or the bl host helper tool, at tools/bl.

Running bl without any parameters will list the commands it supports:


  host/build/bl CMD [params]

Available CMDs:
  led       Turn LEDs on/off
  srccfg    Set configuration for a given source
  chancfg   Set configuration for a given channel
  start     Start an acquisition
  abort     Abort an acquisition

Running a command will show if you need to pass any parameters to the command:

host/build/bl led

  host/build/bl led \
  	<DEVICE_PATH|--auto|-a> \

The DEVICE_PATH is the tty device reported in dmesg when the device was connected. When --auto or -a are provided, it will try to guess the tty deivce name based on the manufactuer and product fields of USB devices.

The LED_MASK is a 16-bit mask of the 16 LEDs on the device. If a bit is set, then the corresponding LED is turned on:

host/build/bl led /dev/ttyACM2 0x8000

Failed to open '/dev/ttyACM2': Permission denied

This didn't work because we need to have permission to open /dev/ttyACM2. Running with sudo it should work:

sudo host/build/bl led /dev/ttyACM2 0x8000

- LED:
    LED Mask: 0x8000
- Response:
    Response to: LED
    Error code: 0

The output shows the message that was sent, followed by the response message from the device.

The above command would turn on one of the LEDs. To turn off all the LEDs, set all the bits to zero:

sudo host/build/bl led /dev/ttyACM2 0x0

To run an acquisition, it is simplest to use the run.sh script either directly or as an example:

sudo ./run.sh cal
sudo ./run.sh acq
sudo ./run.sh cal_acq
sudo ./run.sh off

This will show the messages being sent and received to run an acquisition, and also the sample data. See the comments in the run.sh script for further details on how to configure an acquisition.

Overridding the default acquisition parameters is possible too, for example:

sudo FREQUENCY=1000 OVERSAMPLE=128 SRC_MASK=0x5 ./run.sh acq

Acquisition mode

There are 2 settings for the acquisition mode.

Flash pattern

The LEDs can work in 2 different modes:

  • flash mode, it will flash the LEDs enabled in a fixed sequence, and the photodiodes only samples a single LED at a time. This is the default mode.

  • continuous mode, the enabled LEDs will be always on, and the photodiodes will sense the lights from all LEDs. This is mainly for experimental purpose.

Reflection/transmissive detection mode

With a single board, it can only work in reflection mode where the LEDs and photodiodes located on the same board, and photodiodes pick up the reflected lights from the LEDs.

With 2 boards connected through SPI interface, it's possible to flash the LEDs on one board and receive the signals from the photodiodes on the other board. This makes penetrate data collection possible, and it can be used for Blood Oxygen detection for example.

The same firmware has to be flashed onto the 2 boards, and the board triggers acquisition through USB is automatically chosen as SPI master, and the other board which is powered through the SPI headers will be SPI slave.

The mother board will do all the ordinary jobs except flashing LED when it send the LED index to be flashed through SPI instead of light its own, and the daughter board will poll the SPI bus and flash LED when it received data.

NOTE: This feature is under experiment at moment

Device info

There are 16 LEDs. Each of the LEDs emits a different light wavelength. The LEDs were chosen to cover a range of the visible spectrum and into infra-red.

There are four photodiodes, which have different ranges of the spectrum that they are sensitive to.

When setting up an acquisition, one of the parameters is the SOURCE_MASK. This is a mask of the sources to enable for the acquisition.

Sources are things that we sample with the ADCs on the device. They include the four photodiodes, and also other sources which may be useful for debug or reference.

See the enum bl_acq_source in common/acq.h for a complete list of acquisition sources.

If an acquisition is set up with a SOURCE_MASK of 0x1 only the first source (BL_ACQ_PD1: photodiode 1) would be enabled for the acquisition.

If an acquisition is set up with a SOURCE_MASK of 0x7, with the bottom three bits set, then the first three sources (photodiodes 1, 2 and 3) would be enabled.

Note that there are four ADCs on the device, and each one can have multiple sources connected to it.

To see which sources are connected to which ADCs, see bl_acq_source[] in firmware/src/acq/source.c.

Of particular note is that the sample_data message (see common/msg.h) contains a src_mask field. This is because the way the firmware works is that each of the ADCs builds its sample data messages separately, and sends them when they are filled.

Inspecting acquisition data

The raw sample values from an acquisition don't really give much of an insight into what is happening.

The output from an acquisition is in YAML format, so it should be easy to write code to load it for analysis.

Currently there is a simple conversion tool (tools/convert) which can turn the sample value data into a WAV file for loading into Audacity.


  host/build/convert CMD [params]

Available CMDs:
  wav     Convert to WAVE format
  raw     Convert to RAW binary data
  csv     Convert to CSV
  relay   Relay stdin to stdout

The relay command is really intended for testing the message parsing.

The following command pipes the output from tools/bl into tools/convert to create the file out.wav:

sudo ./run.sh /dev/ttyACM2 | ./tools/convert wav out.wav

Hit ctrl+c to end the acquisition and load the WAV file for inspection with:

audacity out.wav

Audacity tips

  • You increase the vertical space given to a data channel by dragging the bottom of its box downwards. This stretches the wave vertically.
  • Using a mouse scroll-wheel with ctrl zooms the signal along the X axis.
  • With "Menu > View > Zoom > Advanced Vertical Zooming" ticked, you can click on the area to the left of the vertical axis, showing the values to zoom in on that part.
  • You can use "Menu > Effect > Filter Curve" to filter out high frequencies, e.g. filter out above 20 Hz.
  • You can select a region of the signal and use "Menu > Analyze > Plot Spectrum..." to see the signal in the frequency domain.