Capacitor plugin for Google Auth. Lightweight & no dependencies.
Pinned issues
- 30
- 11
Getting error Something went wrong, code: 10 - ISSUE HAPPENING AGAIN - SHA1 KEY ADDED ALREADY - STILL ISSUE PERSISTS - #291 RE-HAPPENING
#380 opened by aoneahsan - 4
Problems with confusing URL schemes (iOS)
#379 opened by alexp25 - 0
sending 'self' risks causing data races
#406 opened by AlexdrFontes - 0
ServerAuthCode doesnt exist in IOS return
#404 opened by grzegorzCieslik95 - 3
- 11
Android App Crashing when SIgnIn button is clicked
#389 opened by MalikHamza007 - 1
How can we implement dynamic Google OAuth login in an Ionic Capacitor app with support for multiple backends, each having its own Google OAuth CLIENT_ID?
#399 opened by IbrahimElkhatib - 0
Getting error after GoogleAuth.signIn()
#400 opened by SasunHakobyan1 - 1
any plans to support android credential manager
#369 opened by yakovyarmo - 1
any plans to support android credential manager
#370 opened by yakovyarmo - 1
Do Google FedCM changes affect this Project?
#392 opened by noxomix - 27
something went wrong
#332 opened by GOLHS - 3
popup_closed_by_user issue on Chrome or Safari
#325 opened by edshkliaruk - 0
Cancel by user
#395 opened by Mohamed-ZiBox - 0
No `refreshToken ` at first login
#394 opened by Saqib92 - 9
Something went wrong, error code 10 on Android
#371 opened by lsantaniello - 0
Question regarding FedCM on Google Deprecates?
#391 opened by noxomix - 1
- 9
Status of Capacitor 6 compatibility
#378 opened by panstromek - 13
Crash on iOS
#387 opened by panstromek - 0
Pop Up Blocked by browser
#384 opened by 7FULL - 4
3.4.0-rc.4 exception that was not in previous versions
#364 opened by gposse - 15
iOS M1 Mac/Tablets Fails to Initialize
#363 opened by gasci - 0
Why redirect_uri feature not available?
#377 opened by srinivaspillalamarri - 2
Minimal deployment version
#353 opened by Cubaka14 - 0
- 0
New Google SignIn
#372 opened by oduwole - 0
Definitive detailed description on IDs
#367 opened by timstoute - 1
Error in GoogleAuth last version
#366 opened by josuelmm - 1
Plugin is not loaded in Android + Capacitor 6
#362 opened by scamps86 - 3
iOS CAP_PLUGIN Macro for GoogleAuth
#359 opened by wkaskie - 2
iOS CAP_PLUGIN Macro for GoogleAuth
#358 opened by karoukan - 0
Compatibility with capacitor 6
#354 opened by ali-hm - 0
Capacitor 6 support
#356 opened by gasci - 1
GoogleAuth" plugin is not implemented on android
#347 opened by anu14011998 - 1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'grantOfflineAccess)
#346 opened by anu14011998 - 1
GoogleAuth.signIn: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance')
#336 opened by Linksku - 1
Capacitor v5 compatibility in 3.4.x
#344 opened by piotr-cz - 4
Warnings for deprecated getConfigValue method (iOS)
#334 opened by piotr-cz - 1
something went wrong android code 10
#337 opened by agnusdei1207 - 2
Package not found: com.codetrixstudio.capacitor.GoogleAuth.capacitorgoogleauth
#330 opened by Akashsp12 - 0
bug: Property 'GoogleAuth' is missing in type
#329 opened by mburger81 - 5
Android Error Code: 10
#319 opened by ferencznora - 1
Refresh icon keeps showing
#302 opened by vincentsartoko - 1
Fix for Web deprecation
#303 opened by iplanwebsites - 2
unclear documentation for ionic angular
#304 opened by moblizeit - 1
error from capacitor on android failing at sign in"Couldn't save last GoogleAuth's Plugin signIn call"
#305 opened by boyhax - 1
Not working for Android
#312 opened by CaolanCode - 0