A companion project for our blog post on Elasticsearch's completion suggester.
Install dependencies:
composer install
bower install
Create the database, setup the schema, and load the fixtures:
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Build and run the containers:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Add restaurant-search.dev
to your hosts file:
# Unix only: use this command to get the right IP, OSX binds to localhost
docker network inspect restaurantsearch_default | grep Gateway
sudo sh -c 'echo " restaurant-search.dev\n" >> /etc/hosts'
Update parameters.yml
to use the networked containers:
database_host: db
# ...
elasticsearch_host: elk
Install dependencies, create the database schema, and populate Elasticsearch:
docker-compose exec node bower install
docker-compose exec php bash
composer install
sf doctrine:schema:update --force
sf doctrine:fixtures:load
- http://restaurant-search.dev:81 to visit the Symfony app.
- http://restaurant-search.dev:5602 to visit Kibana (the "Dev Tools" side-menu option has replaced Elastic Sense).
- Logs for Symfony and Nginx are in
. docker-compose down
when you're finished.
Codevate is a specialist UK mobile app development company that builds cloud-connected software. This repository was created for a blog post about a custom web application development project and was written by Chris Lush.