I created this repo because I want to update my daily progress on react. #100daysofcode #consistency is everything.
Day 1/100: I learnt what react and components is all about. It is a library created by facebook. I'm already excited mehn!
Day 2/100: Today I set up my react environmenet, I installed node and three visual studio code extensions (simple react snippets, react snippet, and prettier-code formatter). I ran into an error while setting up my react environment but I was able to fix it up myself - all thanks to google..lol...I also started creating my first react app. Learn't about JSX (javascript extension).
Day 3/100: Today I learn't about ReactDOM, jsx, functional component, parent-child components. In react a component represents a part of the user interface. All the components come together to make up an entire appliction, it can also be re-used. A component is basically the code inside a .js or.jsx file. Components are of two types- functional component and class component.
Day 4/100: Today I learn't about props and class based components, and functional components. Props in react is to an element what properties or attribute is to an element in regular html.
Day 5/100: I decided to build out a simple quiz app from what I've learn't so far using reactjs
Day 6/100: I didn't do much today, was busy with school work and my other business. But I continued with my quiz app, hopefully, I will be done with it by tomorrow.
Day 7/100: So I finished my quiz app today!
Day 8/100: I learnt the following today;
- Events and changing state ii) Life style methods iii) Ternary Operators in react.
Day 9/100: I went through everything I've learnt for the past 9 days.
Day 10/100: I learnt what setState, event handling and bind event handlers is/are all about. I think I'll create a simple counter app from what I've done so far. Yeah this should be my task for today. I might also add some styling to it using css.
Day 11/100: Today I started a 14 days of consistent project challenge. My aim is to go to YouTube and build out react projects starting from beginner friendly projects. So in addition to my react counter project which I started yesterday, I'll also be creating a simple card project today.
Day 12/100: Yesterday was my birthday, however I finished my simple card project. Today I learnt more about the ReactDOM and render in react.
Day 13/100: I think so far I haven't built projects like I proposed I would in my 14 days of consistency challenge, and this is majorly because I still struggle with some concepts like class based components. So today I decided to revisit my ES6 javascript tutorial. I'm so grateful I did because it things became clearer now.
Day 14/100: Today, I praticed eventhandling in React.
Day 15/100: So with my knowledge of event handling and setState, I was able to create a simple counter. At this point, I think react is easier than vanilla javascript. I think I'll go back and create a vanilla js counter again, and then compare the two projects. So far I've created three projects with react..Simple quiz app which I'm not so proud of :), a simple react card and a simple counter.
Day 16/100: So today I created the same counter with vanilla javascript all by myself and I'm so happy. Well, react is easier, lol (but then, that's why its a framework :),it makes life easy)
Day 17/100: Today I took out my time to learn lifecycle methods in react. Today, I learnt the following;
1. Through lifecycle method we can control what happens when each tiny section of our Ui updates, renders,
thinks about re-rendering and then disappears entirely.
2. I also learn't the following lifecycle methods,
though some of them are now extinct;
a. componentWillMount - deprecated
b. componentDidMount
c. componentWillRecieveProps - deprecated
e. componentWillUpdate - deprecated
f. componentDidUpdate
g. componentWillUnmount
Day 18/100: Today I set a challenge to build a vanilla javascript project using regex, and a react project. Couldn't finish it today, hopefully, I'll be done by tomorrow. Had a whole lot to do today, both school work and all, I think I'm stressed out honestly. Tomorrow will be all about react.
Day 19/100: I took a 3 day break from coding, so now i think i'll set up a new challenge. I failed in the previous challenge but this time around I'll do better. I've decided to build out simple react applications with it's javascript equivalent each day. Hopefully it works for me. Today, I learn't about conditional rendering in react js. I also finished my vanilla javascript project involving regex, though I'm yet to complete my react project. I guess I'll just hop on this new challenge.
Day 20/100: Wow! it's already twenty days of learning react..nice! so I continued with my challenge. I started off by building a simple weather app in react. I'm not yet done, hopefully I'll be done by tomorrow and also build out it's javascript equivalent. This is the challenge I'm currently working on. I also continued with my tutorial on how to build forms in react.
Day 21/100: Happy to announce that I just finished my react weather app!, I coded along and I must confess that even though things weren't that clear I'm happy to have finished it. So now, I'll take my time to go through it and see if I can interpret each code and probably write it all by myself before diving into building thesame app with javavscript.
Day 22/100: I finished up my vanilla javascript weather app, and went through states in react again. Repitition is key.
Day 23/100: Didn't update yesterday, but I learn't how to create forms in react yesterday. Today I learn't how to create a nav bar in react, can't wait for the day i'll a create a full responsive website from scratch.
Day 24/100: I didn't do much today.
Day 25/100: I continued with my react tutorial and I finished my react tutorial course today.
Day 26/100: I didn't do much today again. I'm actually not proud of it but we didn't have light all through today.
Day 27/100: I started making research on my next article on hashnode. This time around, I'll be writing on react. Still writing my article and I must confess, I've learnt alot. I also created a simple city tour website or should I call it an app..lol. Meanwhile my challenge is going as planned, definitely slow but steady.
Day 28/100: I joined a react learning group today.
Day 29/100: Things in Nigeria haven't been easy concerning police brutality, and I must confess it's really sad honestly. I'm seriously loosing concentration but it will be fine and worth it at the end.
Day 30/100: