Computer Engineer trying to learn new things, better myself & improve whatever company, society or community I find myself in...
Nicosia, Cyprus.
Pinned Repositories
A repository for various automations i've worked on with AWS, AZURE and other services.
I built this as a requirement for the validation of my knowledge and understanding with regards to Front-End Development. This project is React based, utilizing tools such as Commerce.js for ALL Backend, API operations and calls as well as Stripe.js for payments integration and card transactions.
A Data Science project showcasing my skills in various aspects of Data Analysis; Descriptive, Diagnostic etc. as well as Data Visualization, Hypothesis testing.
A simple event website for a fictional event.
Portfolio of recent projects (in design and development) completed by me for self-learning, research and professional purposes
This repository holds much of my Python study, practice and algorithm solutions with respect to Data Science. I created it to house bits and blocks of code that'll no doubt prove relevant down the line.
Codexgrey's Repositories
A polling application built using Python and Django. I built this as part of my Django learning curve.
This is a repository for the algorithms of each Robotics and Mechatronics project i work on.
A repository for various automations i've worked on with AWS, AZURE and other services.
I built this using vanilla Javascript. My thanks to Mr. Jonas Schmedtmann for his wonderful course on Javascript which was a massive help in building this. I learnt about modules in Javascript, Init functions, DOM manipulation, OOP, callback functions, event listeners e.t.c.
I built this as a requirement for the validation of my knowledge and understanding with regards to Front-End Development. This project is React based, utilizing tools such as Commerce.js for ALL Backend, API operations and calls as well as Stripe.js for payments integration and card transactions.
A Data Science project showcasing my skills in various aspects of Data Analysis; Descriptive, Diagnostic etc. as well as Data Visualization, Hypothesis testing.
Web Scraping from three different websites using Python's "Beautiful Soup" Module. From - scraping all smartphone information in the smartphone section. From and - scraping all articles and article links related to keywords *Banditry & Kidnapping*.
A simple event website for a fictional event.
Portfolio of recent projects (in design and development) completed by me for self-learning, research and professional purposes
This repository holds much of my Python study, practice and algorithm solutions with respect to Data Science. I created it to house bits and blocks of code that'll no doubt prove relevant down the line.
A Django application showcasing some of the most delectable Nigerian recipes, from the northern, eastern , southern and western parts of the country. This app will contain features such as, tags, comments and post sharing. It'd also come packed with API endpoints, built using Django REST Framework.dele
I built this blog as a way of learning and practicing the basics of React.js; utilizing hooks, re-using custom hooks; making use of cleanup functions, abort controllers; understanding search queries, Router Dom, Route paths; POST, DELETE fetch methods e.t.c.
Building a blog app, using Python and Django. Commenting, Pagination and Tagging features added. API setup using Django REST framework. More features to be added...
Building a Django REST API for a project
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Building an intelligent smart card detection and validation app.
A bank management system created using Python and MySQL. This project displays my understanding of the Python Programming language; OOP, functions, data structure... As well as my Back-End Development Skills using MySQL and its database commands.
A repo to house my JSON database for my blog project - *React-Ninja-101---Blog-App*
A repo for Back-end Development study and practice using Python & Django. Building a few apps in order to get myself acquainted with the syntax and structure. Bits and blocks of code relevant for posterity.
Building an app for attendance taking using Python and Django.
Building a simple JSON server. A JSON server allows you to easily create a dummy "local REST API" to mimic a Backend for development and prototyping.
Having focused for months on Javascript; it's syntax, data structures and algorithms, I built this Frontend Mentors challenge as a way of re-acquainting myself with HTML and CSS.
A React-Django Full Stack task management application. Built to as a way of studying React-DRF(Django REST Framework) production environments and integration.
The PIG GAME; A project I built whilst studying Javascript, following Jonas Schmedtmann's course.
Built a simple To-Do List API using Python and Django